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from unittest import TestCase
import requests
import json
from senpy.testing import patch_requests
from senpy.models import Results
class TestTest(TestCase):
def test_patch_text(self):
with patch_requests(ENDPOINT, 'hello'):
r = requests.get(ENDPOINT)
assert r.text == 'hello'
def test_patch_json(self):
r = Results()
with patch_requests(ENDPOINT, r):
res = requests.get(ENDPOINT)
assert res.text == json.dumps(r.jsonld())
js = res.json()
assert js
assert js['@type'] == r['@type']
def test_patch_dict(self):
r = {'nothing': 'new'}
with patch_requests(ENDPOINT, r):
res = requests.get(ENDPOINT)
assert res.text == json.dumps(r)
js = res.json()
assert js
assert js['nothing'] == 'new'