You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
3.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from future.standard_library import install_aliases
import os
from rdflib import Graph
from senpy.extensions import Senpy
from flask import Flask
from unittest import TestCase
from urllib.parse import urlencode
def parse_resp(resp, fmt):
return Graph().parse(, format=fmt)
class SemanticsTest(TestCase):
'''Tests for the semantics of the server.'''
def setUpClass(cls):
"""Set up only once, and re-use in every individual test""" = Flask("test_extensions")
cls.client =
cls.senpy = Senpy(default_plugins=True)
cls.dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")
cls.senpy.default_plugin = 'Dummy'
def setUp(self):['TESTING'] = True # Tell Flask not to catch Exceptions
def assertCode(self, resp, code):
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, code)
def test_sentiment(self):
A sentiment analysis call in JSON-LD
# We use expanded JSON-LD and ignore the context, because in general
# the context is a URIS to the service and that URI is not
# available outside of self.client
params = {
'input': 'hello',
'in-headers': True,
'outformat': 'json-ld',
'expanded': True,
'prefix': 'http://default.example/#'
resp = self.client.get("/api/basic?{}".format(urlencode(params)))
self.assertCode(resp, 200)
g = parse_resp(resp, fmt='json-ld')
assert g
qres = g.query("""
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX marl: <>
PREFIX nif: <>
PREFIX onyx: <>
PREFIX senpy: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?entry ?text ?sentiment
?entry a senpy:Entry .
?entry marl:hasOpinion ?o .
?entry nif:isString ?text .
?o marl:hasPolarity ?sentiment .
assert len(qres) == 1
entry, text, sentiment = list(qres)[0]
assert entry
assert str(text) == 'hello'
assert str(sentiment) in ['marl:Positive', 'marl:Neutral', 'marl:Negative']
def test_sentiment_turtle(self):
A sentiment analysis call in turtle format
params = {
'input': 'hello',
'in-headers': True,
'outformat': 'turtle',
'expanded': True,
'prefix': 'http://default.example/#'
resp = self.client.get("/api/basic?{}".format(urlencode(params)))
self.assertCode(resp, 200)
g = parse_resp(resp, 'ttl')
qres = g.query("""
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX marl: <>
PREFIX nif: <>
PREFIX onyx: <>
PREFIX senpy: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?entry ?text ?sentiment
?entry a senpy:Entry .
?entry marl:hasOpinion ?o .
?entry nif:isString ?text .
?o marl:hasPolarity ?sentiment .
assert len(qres) == 1
entry, text, sentiment = list(qres)[0]
assert entry
assert str(text) == 'hello'
assert str(sentiment) in ['marl:Positive', 'marl:Neutral', 'marl:Negative']