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2018-06-14 19:38:08 +02:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
import re
import nltk
import os
import string
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.corpus import WordNetCorpusReader
from nltk.stem import wordnet
from emotion import Emotion as Emo
from senpy.plugins import EmotionPlugin, AnalysisPlugin, ShelfMixin
from senpy.models import Results, EmotionSet, Entry, Emotion
class WNAffect(EmotionPlugin, ShelfMixin):
Emotion classifier using WordNet-Affect to calculate the percentage
of each emotion. This plugin classifies among 6 emotions: anger,fear,disgust,joy,sadness
or neutral. The only available language is English (en)
name = 'emotion-wnaffect'
author = ["@icorcuera", "@balkian"]
version = '0.2'
extra_params = {
'language': {
"@id": 'lang_wnaffect',
'aliases': ['language', 'l'],
'required': True,
'options': ['en',]
synsets_path = "a-synsets.xml"
hierarchy_path = "a-hierarchy.xml"
wn16_path = "wordnet1.6/dict"
onyx__usesEmotionModel = "emoml:big6"
nltk_resources = ['stopwords', 'averaged_perceptron_tagger', 'wordnet']
def _load_synsets(self, synsets_path):
"""Returns a dictionary POS tag -> synset offset -> emotion (str -> int -> str)."""
tree = ET.parse(synsets_path)
root = tree.getroot()
pos_map = {"noun": "NN", "adj": "JJ", "verb": "VB", "adv": "RB"}
synsets = {}
for pos in ["noun", "adj", "verb", "adv"]:
tag = pos_map[pos]
synsets[tag] = {}
for elem in root.findall(
".//{0}-syn-list//{0}-syn".format(pos, pos)):
offset = int(elem.get("id")[2:])
if not offset: continue
if elem.get("categ"):
synsets[tag][offset] = Emo.emotions[elem.get(
"categ")] if elem.get(
"categ") in Emo.emotions else None
elif elem.get("noun-id"):
synsets[tag][offset] = synsets[pos_map["noun"]][int(
return synsets
def _load_emotions(self, hierarchy_path):
"""Loads the hierarchy of emotions from the WordNet-Affect xml."""
tree = ET.parse(hierarchy_path)
root = tree.getroot()
for elem in root.findall("categ"):
name = elem.get("name")
if name == "root":
Emo.emotions["root"] = Emo("root")
Emo.emotions[name] = Emo(name, elem.get("isa"))
def activate(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._stopwords = stopwords.words('english')
self._wnlemma = wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()
self._syntactics = {'N': 'n', 'V': 'v', 'J': 'a', 'S': 's', 'R': 'r'}
local_path = os.environ.get("SENPY_DATA")
self._categories = {
'anger': [
'fear': [
'disgust': [
['gratitude', 'affective', 'enthusiasm', 'love', 'joy', 'liking'],
'sadness': [
'ingrattitude', 'daze', 'humility', 'compassion', 'despair',
'anxiety', 'sadness'
self._wnaffect_mappings = {
'anger': 'anger',
'fear': 'negative-fear',
'disgust': 'disgust',
'joy': 'joy',
'sadness': 'sadness'
if 'total_synsets' not in self.sh:
total_synsets = self._load_synsets(self.find_file(self.synsets_path))
self.sh['total_synsets'] = total_synsets
self._total_synsets = self.sh['total_synsets']
self._wn16_path = self.wn16_path
self._wn16 = WordNetCorpusReader(self.find_file(self._wn16_path), nltk.data.find(self.find_file(self._wn16_path)))
def deactivate(self, *args, **kwargs):
def _my_preprocessor(self, text):
regHttp = re.compile(
regHttps = re.compile(
regAt = re.compile('@([a-zA-Z0-9]*[*_/&%#@$]*)*[a-zA-Z0-9]*')
text = re.sub(regHttp, '', text)
text = re.sub(regAt, '', text)
text = re.sub('RT : ', '', text)
text = re.sub(regHttps, '', text)
text = re.sub('[0-9]', '', text)
text = self._delete_punctuation(text)
return text
def _delete_punctuation(self, text):
exclude = set(string.punctuation)
s = ''.join(ch for ch in text if ch not in exclude)
return s
def _extract_ngrams(self, text):
unigrams_lemmas = []
pos_tagged = []
unigrams_words = []
tokens = text.split()
for token in nltk.pos_tag(tokens):
if token[1][0] in self._syntactics.keys():
self._wnlemma.lemmatize(token[0], self._syntactics[token[1]
return unigrams_words, unigrams_lemmas, pos_tagged
def _find_ngrams(self, input_list, n):
return zip(*[input_list[i:] for i in range(n)])
def _clean_pos(self, pos_tagged):
pos_tags = {
'NN': 'NN',
'NNP': 'NN',
'NNP-LOC': 'NN',
'NNS': 'NN',
'JJ': 'JJ',
'JJR': 'JJ',
'JJS': 'JJ',
'RB': 'RB',
'RBR': 'RB',
'RBS': 'RB',
'VB': 'VB',
'VBD': 'VB',
'VGB': 'VB',
'VBN': 'VB',
'VBP': 'VB',
'VBZ': 'VB'
for i in range(len(pos_tagged)):
if pos_tagged[i] in pos_tags:
pos_tagged[i] = pos_tags[pos_tagged[i]]
return pos_tagged
def _extract_features(self, text):
feature_set = {k: 0 for k in self._categories}
ngrams_words, ngrams_lemmas, pos_tagged = self._extract_ngrams(text)
matches = 0
pos_tagged = self._clean_pos(pos_tagged)
tag_wn = {
'NN': self._wn16.NOUN,
'JJ': self._wn16.ADJ,
'VB': self._wn16.VERB,
'RB': self._wn16.ADV
for i in range(len(pos_tagged)):
if pos_tagged[i] in tag_wn:
synsets = self._wn16.synsets(ngrams_words[i],
if synsets:
offset = synsets[0].offset()
if offset in self._total_synsets[pos_tagged[i]]:
if self._total_synsets[pos_tagged[i]][offset] is None:
emotion = self._total_synsets[pos_tagged[i]][
matches += 1
for i in self._categories:
if emotion in self._categories[i]:
feature_set[i] += 1
if matches == 0:
matches = 1
for i in feature_set:
feature_set[i] = (feature_set[i] / matches) * 100
return feature_set
def analyse_entry(self, entry, params):
text_input = entry['nif:isString']
text = self._my_preprocessor(text_input)
feature_text = self._extract_features(text)
emotionSet = EmotionSet(id="Emotions0")
emotions = emotionSet.onyx__hasEmotion
for i in feature_text:
entry.emotions = [emotionSet]
yield entry
def test(self, *args, **kwargs):
results = list()
params = {'algo': 'emotion-wnaffect',
'intype': 'direct',
'expanded-jsonld': 0,
'informat': 'text',
'prefix': '',
'plugin_type': 'analysisPlugin',
'urischeme': 'RFC5147String',
'outformat': 'json-ld',
'i': 'Hello World',
'input': 'Hello World',
'conversion': 'full',
'language': 'en',
'algorithm': 'emotion-wnaffect'}
res = next(self.analyse_entry(Entry(nif__isString="This text make me sad"), params))
texts = {'I hate you': 'anger',
'i am sad': 'sadness',
'i am happy with my marks': 'joy',
'This movie is scary': 'negative-fear'}
for text in texts:
response = next(self.analyse_entry(Entry(nif__isString=text), params))
expected = texts[text]
emotionSet = response.emotions[0]
max_emotion = max(emotionSet['onyx:hasEmotion'], key=lambda x: x['onyx:hasEmotionIntensity'])
assert max_emotion['onyx:hasEmotionCategory'] == expected