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102 lines
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PYMAIN ?= $(firstword $(PYVERSIONS))
TARNAME ?= $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
DEVPORT ?= 6000
version: .FORCE
@echo $(VERSION)
yapf: ## Format python code
yapf -i -r $(NAME)
yapf -i -r tests
dockerfiles: $(addprefix Dockerfile-,$(PYVERSIONS)) ## Generate dockerfiles for each python version
@unlink Dockerfile >/dev/null
ln -s Dockerfile-$(PYMAIN) Dockerfile
Dockerfile-%: Dockerfile.template ## Generate a specific dockerfile (e.g. Dockerfile-2.7)
sed "s/{{PYVERSION}}/$*/" Dockerfile.template > Dockerfile-$*
quick_build: $(addprefix build-, $(PYMAIN))
build: $(addprefix build-, $(PYVERSIONS)) ## Build all images / python versions
docker tag $(IMAGEWTAG)-python$(PYMAIN) $(IMAGEWTAG)
build-%: version Dockerfile-% ## Build a specific version (e.g. build-2.7)
docker build --pull -t '$(IMAGEWTAG)-python$*' -f Dockerfile-$* .;
dev-%: ## Launch a specific development environment using docker (e.g. dev-2.7)
@docker start $(NAME)-dev$* || (\
$(MAKE) build-$*; \
docker run -d -w /usr/src/app/ -p $(DEVPORT):5000 -v $$PWD:/usr/src/app --entrypoint=/bin/bash -ti --name $(NAME)-dev$* '$(IMAGEWTAG)-python$*'; \
docker exec -ti $(NAME)-dev$* bash
dev: dev-$(PYMAIN) ## Launch a development environment using docker, using the default python version
quick_test: test-$(PYMAIN)
test-%: build-% ## Run setup.py from in an isolated container, built from the base image. (e.g. test-2.7)
# This speeds tests up because the image has most (if not all) of the dependencies already.
docker rm $(NAME)-test-$* || true
docker create -ti --name $(NAME)-test-$* --entrypoint="" -w /usr/src/app/ $(IMAGEWTAG)-python$* python setup.py test
docker cp . $(NAME)-test-$*:/usr/src/app
docker start -a $(NAME)-test-$*
test: $(addprefix test-,$(PYVERSIONS)) ## Run the tests with the main python version
run-%: build-%
docker run --rm -p $(DEVPORT):5000 -ti '$(IMAGEWTAG)-python$(PYMAIN)' --default-plugins
run: run-$(PYMAIN)
# Pypy - Upload a package
dist/$(TARNAME): version
python setup.py sdist;
sdist: dist/$(TARNAME) ## Generate the distribution file (wheel)
pip_test-%: sdist ## Test the distribution file using pip install and a specific python version (e.g. pip_test-2.7)
docker run --rm -v $$PWD/dist:/dist/ python:$* pip install /dist/$(TARNAME);
pip_test: $(addprefix pip_test-,$(PYVERSIONS)) ## Test pip installation with the main python version
pip_upload: pip_test ## Upload package to pip
python setup.py sdist upload ;
# Pushing to docker
push-latest: $(addprefix push-latest-,$(PYVERSIONS)) ## Push the "latest" tag to dockerhub
docker tag '$(IMAGEWTAG)-python$(PYMAIN)' '$(IMAGEWTAG)'
docker tag '$(IMAGEWTAG)-python$(PYMAIN)' '$(IMAGENAME):latest'
docker push '$(IMAGENAME):latest'
docker push '$(IMAGEWTAG)'
push-latest-%: build-% ## Push the latest image for a specific python version
docker tag $(IMAGENAME):$(VERSION)-python$* $(IMAGENAME):python$*
docker push $(IMAGENAME):$(VERSION)-python$*
docker push $(IMAGENAME):python$*
push-%: build-% ## Push the image of the current version (tagged). e.g. push-2.7
docker push $(IMAGENAME):$(VERSION)-python$*
push:: $(addprefix push-,$(PYVERSIONS)) ## Push an image with the current version for every python version
docker tag '$(IMAGEWTAG)-python$(PYMAIN)' '$(IMAGEWTAG)'
docker push $(IMAGENAME):$(VERSION)
clean:: ## Clean older docker images and containers related to this project and dev environments
@docker stop $(addprefix $(NAME)-dev,$(PYVERSIONS)) 2>/dev/null || true
@docker rm $(addprefix $(NAME)-dev,$(PYVERSIONS)) 2>/dev/null || true
@docker ps -a | grep $(IMAGENAME) | awk '{ split($$2, vers, "-"); if(vers[0] != "${VERSION}"){ print $$1;}}' | xargs docker rm -v 2>/dev/null|| true
@docker images | grep $(IMAGENAME) | awk '{ split($$2, vers, "-"); if(vers[0] != "${VERSION}"){ print $$1":"$$2;}}' | xargs docker rmi 2>/dev/null|| true
.PHONY:: yapf dockerfiles Dockerfile-% quick_build build build-% dev-% quick-dev test quick_test push-latest push-latest-% push-% push version .FORCE