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from unittest import TestCase
from senpy.testing import patch_requests
from senpy.client import Client
from senpy.models import Results, Plugins, Error
from senpy.plugins import AnalysisPlugin
class ModelsTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self): = ''
self.port = 5000
def test_client(self):
endpoint = 'http://dummy/'
client = Client(endpoint)
with patch_requests('http://dummy/', Results()):
resp = client.analyse('hello')
assert isinstance(resp, Results)
with patch_requests('http://dummy/', Error('Nothing')):
client.analyse(input='hello', algorithm='NONEXISTENT')
raise Exception('Exceptions should be raised. This is not golang')
except Error:
def test_plugins(self):
endpoint = 'http://dummy/'
client = Client(endpoint)
plugins = Plugins()
p1 = AnalysisPlugin({'name': 'AnalysisP1', 'version': 0, 'description': 'No'})
plugins.plugins = [p1, ]
with patch_requests('http://dummy/plugins', plugins):
response = client.plugins()
assert isinstance(response, dict)
assert len(response) == 1
assert "AnalysisP1" in response