These makefiles are recipes for several common tasks in different types of projects. To add them to your project, simply do: ``` git remote add makefiles ssh:// git subtree add --prefix=.makefiles/ makefiles master touch Makefile echo "include .makefiles/" >> Makefile ``` Now you can take advantage of the recipes. For instance, to add useful targets for a python project, just add this to your Makefile: ``` include .makefiles/ ``` You may need to set special variables like the name of your project or the python versions you're targetting. Take a look at each specific `.mk` file for more information, and the `Makefile` in the [senpy]( project for a real use case. If you update the makefiles from your repository, make sure to push the changes for review in upstream (this repository): ``` make makefiles-push ``` It will automatically commit all unstaged changes in the .makefiles folder.