#!/bin/env python import os import pickle import shutil import tempfile from unittest import TestCase from senpy.models import Results, Entry from senpy.plugins import SentimentPlugin, ShelfMixin class ShelfDummyPlugin(SentimentPlugin, ShelfMixin): def activate(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'counter' not in self.sh: self.sh['counter'] = 0 self.save() def deactivate(self, *args, **kwargs): self.save() def analyse(self, *args, **kwargs): self.sh['counter'] = self.sh['counter'] + 1 e = Entry() e.nif__isString = self.sh['counter'] r = Results() r.entries.append(e) return r class PluginsTest(TestCase): def tearDown(self): if os.path.exists(self.shelf_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.shelf_dir) if os.path.isfile(self.shelf_file): os.remove(self.shelf_file) def setUp(self): self.shelf_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.shelf_file = os.path.join(self.shelf_dir, "shelf") def test_shelf_file(self): a = ShelfDummyPlugin( info={'name': 'default_shelve_file', 'version': 'test'}) a.activate() assert os.path.isfile(a.shelf_file) os.remove(a.shelf_file) def test_shelf(self): ''' A shelf is created and the value is stored ''' a = ShelfDummyPlugin(info={ 'name': 'shelve', 'version': 'test', 'shelf_file': self.shelf_file }) assert a.sh == {} a.activate() assert a.sh == {'counter': 0} assert a.shelf_file == self.shelf_file a.sh['a'] = 'fromA' assert a.sh['a'] == 'fromA' a.save() sh = pickle.load(open(self.shelf_file, 'rb')) assert sh['a'] == 'fromA' def test_dummy_shelf(self): a = ShelfDummyPlugin(info={ 'name': 'DummyShelf', 'shelf_file': self.shelf_file, 'version': 'test' }) a.activate() assert a.shelf_file == self.shelf_file res1 = a.analyse(input=1) assert res1.entries[0].nif__isString == 1 res2 = a.analyse(input=1) assert res2.entries[0].nif__isString == 2 def test_corrupt_shelf(self): ''' Reusing the values of a previous shelf ''' emptyfile = os.path.join(self.shelf_dir, "emptyfile") invalidfile = os.path.join(self.shelf_dir, "invalid_file") with open(emptyfile, 'w+b'), open(invalidfile, 'w+b') as inf: inf.write(b'ohno') files = {emptyfile: ['empty file', EOFError], invalidfile: ['invalid file', pickle.UnpicklingError]} for fn in files: with open(fn, 'rb') as f: msg, error = files[fn] a = ShelfDummyPlugin(info={ 'name': 'shelve', 'version': 'test', 'shelf_file': f.name }) assert os.path.isfile(a.shelf_file) print('Shelf file: %s' % a.shelf_file) with self.assertRaises(error): # By default, raise an error a.sh['a'] = 'fromA' a.save() del a._sh assert os.path.isfile(a.shelf_file) a.force_shelf = True a.sh['a'] = 'fromA' a.save() b = pickle.load(f) assert b['a'] == 'fromA' def test_reuse_shelf(self): ''' Reusing the values of a previous shelf ''' a = ShelfDummyPlugin(info={ 'name': 'shelve', 'version': 'test', 'shelf_file': self.shelf_file }) a.activate() print('Shelf file: %s' % a.shelf_file) a.sh['a'] = 'fromA' a.save() b = ShelfDummyPlugin(info={ 'name': 'shelve', 'version': 'test', 'shelf_file': self.shelf_file }) b.activate() assert b.sh['a'] == 'fromA' b.sh['a'] = 'fromB' assert b.sh['a'] == 'fromB' def test_extra_params(self): ''' Should be able to set extra parameters''' a = ShelfDummyPlugin(info={ 'name': 'shelve', 'version': 'test', 'shelf_file': self.shelf_file, 'extra_params': { 'example': { 'aliases': ['example', 'ex'], 'required': True, 'default': 'nonsense' } } }) assert 'example' in a.extra_params