from __future__ import print_function import os from copy import deepcopy import logging try: from unittest import mock except ImportError: import mock from functools import partial from senpy.extensions import Senpy from senpy import plugins from senpy.models import Error, Results, Entry, EmotionSet, Emotion, Plugin from senpy import api from flask import Flask from unittest import TestCase def analyse(instance, **kwargs): request = api.parse_call(kwargs) return instance.analyse(request) class ExtensionsTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): = Flask('test_extensions') self.examples_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'example-plugins') self.senpy = Senpy(plugin_folder=self.examples_dir,, default_plugins=False) self.senpy.deactivate_all() self.senpy.activate_plugin("Dummy", sync=True) def test_init(self): """ Initialising the app with the extension. """ assert hasattr(, "senpy") tapp = Flask("temp app") self.senpy.init_app(tapp) assert hasattr(tapp, "senpy") def test_discovery(self): """ Discovery of plugins in given folders. """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember print(self.senpy.plugins()) assert self.senpy.get_plugin("dummy") def test_add_delete(self): '''Should be able to add and delete new plugins. ''' new = plugins.Analysis(name='new', description='new', version=0) self.senpy.add_plugin(new) assert new in self.senpy.plugins() self.senpy.delete_plugin(new) assert new not in self.senpy.plugins() def test_adding_folder(self): """ It should be possible for senpy to look for plugins in more folders. """ senpy = Senpy(plugin_folder=None,, default_plugins=False) assert not senpy.analysis_plugins senpy.add_folder(self.examples_dir) assert senpy.analysis_plugins self.assertRaises(AttributeError, senpy.add_folder, 'DOES NOT EXIST') def test_installing(self): """ Installing a plugin """ info = { 'name': 'TestPip', 'module': 'mynoop', 'description': None, 'requirements': ['noop'], 'version': 0 } module = plugins.from_info(info, root=self.examples_dir, install=True) assert == 'TestPip' assert module import noop dir(noop) def test_enabling(self): """ Enabling a plugin """ self.senpy.activate_all(sync=True) assert len(self.senpy.plugins()) >= 3 assert self.senpy.get_plugin("Sleep").is_activated def test_installing_nonexistent(self): """ Fail if the dependencies cannot be met """ info = { 'name': 'TestPipFail', 'module': 'dummy', 'description': None, 'requirements': ['IAmMakingThisPackageNameUpToFail'], 'version': 0 } with self.assertRaises(Error): plugins.install_deps(info) def test_disabling(self): """ Disabling a plugin """ self.senpy.deactivate_all(sync=True) assert not self.senpy.get_plugin("dummy").is_activated assert not self.senpy.get_plugin("sleep").is_activated def test_default(self): """ Default plugin should be set """ assert self.senpy.default_plugin assert == "Dummy" self.senpy.deactivate_all(sync=True) logging.debug("Default: {}".format(self.senpy.default_plugin)) assert self.senpy.default_plugin is None def test_noplugin(self): """ Don't analyse if there isn't any plugin installed """ self.senpy.deactivate_all(sync=True) self.assertRaises(Error, partial(analyse, self.senpy, input="tupni")) def test_analyse(self): """ Using a plugin """ # I was using mock until plugin started inheriting # Leaf (defaultdict with __setattr__ and __getattr__. r1 = analyse(self.senpy, algorithm="Dummy", input="tupni", output="tuptuo") r2 = analyse(self.senpy, input="tupni", output="tuptuo") assert r1.analysis[0] == "plugins/Dummy_0.1" assert r2.analysis[0] == "plugins/Dummy_0.1" assert r1.entries[0]['nif:isString'] == 'input' def test_analyse_empty(self): """ Trying to analyse when no plugins are installed should raise an error.""" senpy = Senpy(plugin_folder=None,, default_plugins=False) self.assertRaises(Error, senpy.analyse, Results()) def test_analyse_wrong(self): """ Trying to analyse with a non-existent plugin should raise an error.""" self.assertRaises(Error, analyse, self.senpy, algorithm='DOES NOT EXIST', input='test') def test_analyse_jsonld(self): """ Using a plugin with JSON-LD input""" js_input = '''{ "@id": "prueba", "@type": "results", "entries": [ {"@id": "entry1", "nif:isString": "tupni", "@type": "entry" } ] }''' r1 = analyse(self.senpy, algorithm="Dummy", input=js_input, informat="json-ld", output="tuptuo") r2 = analyse(self.senpy, input="tupni", output="tuptuo") assert r1.analysis[0] == "plugins/Dummy_0.1" assert r2.analysis[0] == "plugins/Dummy_0.1" assert r1.entries[0]['nif:isString'] == 'input' def test_analyse_error(self): mm = mock.MagicMock() = 'magic_mock' = 'mock' mm.is_activated = True mm.analyse_entries.side_effect = Error('error in analysis', status=500) self.senpy.add_plugin(mm) try: analyse(self.senpy, input='nothing', algorithm='MOCK') assert False except Error as ex: assert 'error in analysis' in ex['message'] assert ex['status'] == 500 ex = Exception('generic exception on analysis') mm.analyse.side_effect = ex mm.analyse_entries.side_effect = ex try: analyse(self.senpy, input='nothing', algorithm='MOCK') assert False except Exception as ex: assert 'generic exception on analysis' in str(ex) def test_filtering(self): """ Filtering plugins """ assert len(self.senpy.plugins(name="Dummy")) > 0 assert not len(self.senpy.plugins(name="NotDummy")) assert self.senpy.plugins(name="Dummy", is_activated=True) self.senpy.deactivate_plugin("Dummy", sync=True) assert not len(self.senpy.plugins(name="Dummy", is_activated=True)) def test_load_default_plugins(self): senpy = Senpy(plugin_folder=self.examples_dir, default_plugins=True) assert len(senpy.plugins()) > 1 def test_convert_emotions(self): self.senpy.activate_all(sync=True) plugin = Plugin({ 'id': 'imaginary', 'onyx:usesEmotionModel': 'emoml:fsre-dimensions' }) eSet1 = EmotionSet() eSet1.prov__wasGeneratedBy = plugin['@id'] eSet1['onyx:hasEmotion'].append(Emotion({ 'emoml:arousal': 1, 'emoml:potency': 0, 'emoml:valence': 0 })) response = Results({ 'analysis': [{'plugin': plugin}], 'entries': [Entry({ 'nif:isString': 'much ado about nothing', 'emotions': [eSet1] })] }) params = {'emotionModel': 'emoml:big6', 'conversion': 'full'} r1 = deepcopy(response) r1.parameters = params self.senpy.convert_emotions(r1) assert len(r1.entries[0].emotions) == 2 params['conversion'] = 'nested' r2 = deepcopy(response) r2.parameters = params self.senpy.convert_emotions(r2) assert len(r2.entries[0].emotions) == 1 assert r2.entries[0].emotions[0]['prov:wasDerivedFrom'] == eSet1 params['conversion'] = 'filtered' r3 = deepcopy(response) r3.parameters = params self.senpy.convert_emotions(r3) assert len(r3.entries[0].emotions) == 1 r3.jsonld()