Client ====== Demo Endpoint ------------- Import Client and send a request .. code:: python from senpy.client import Client c = Client('') r = c.analyse('I like Pizza', algorithm='sentiment140') Print response .. code:: python for entry in r.entries: print('{} -> {}'.format(entry['text'], entry['sentiments'][0]['marl:hasPolarity'])) .. parsed-literal:: I like Pizza -> marl:Positive Obtain a list of available plugins .. code:: python for plugin in c.request('/plugins')['plugins']: print(plugin['name']) .. parsed-literal:: emoRand rand sentiment140 Local Endpoint -------------- Run a docker container with Senpy image and default plugins .. code:: docker run -ti --name 'SenpyEndpoint' -d -p 5000:5000 gsiupm/senpy:0.8.6 --host --default-plugins .. parsed-literal:: a0157cd98057072388bfebeed78a830da7cf0a796f4f1a3fd9188f9f2e5fe562 Import client and send a request to localhost .. code:: python c_local = Client('') r = c_local.analyse('Hello world', algorithm='sentiment140') Print response .. code:: python for entry in r.entries: print('{} -> {}'.format(entry['text'], entry['sentiments'][0]['marl:hasPolarity'])) .. parsed-literal:: Hello world -> marl:Neutral Obtain a list of available plugins deployed locally .. code:: python c_local.plugins().keys() .. parsed-literal:: rand sentiment140 emoRand Stop the docker container .. code:: python !docker stop SenpyEndpoint !docker rm SenpyEndpoint .. parsed-literal:: SenpyEndpoint SenpyEndpoint