import logging from pkg_resources import parse_version, get_distribution, DistributionNotFound logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MSG = 'GSITK is not (properly) installed.' IMPORTMSG = '{} Some functions will be unavailable.'.format(MSG) RUNMSG = '{} Install it to use this function.'.format(MSG) def raise_exception(*args, **kwargs): raise Exception(RUNMSG) try: gsitk_distro = get_distribution("gsitk") GSITK_VERSION = parse_version(gsitk_distro.version) GSITK_AVAILABLE = GSITK_VERSION > parse_version("") # Earlier versions have a bug except DistributionNotFound: GSITK_AVAILABLE = False GSITK_VERSION = () if GSITK_AVAILABLE: from gsitk.datasets.datasets import DatasetManager from gsitk.evaluation.evaluation import Evaluation as Eval from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline modules = locals() else: logger.warning(IMPORTMSG) DatasetManager = Eval = Pipeline = raise_exception