import logging import jsonschema import json import rdflib from unittest import TestCase from senpy.models import (Emotion, EmotionAnalysis, EmotionSet, Entry, Error, Results, Sentiment, Plugins, Plugin, from_string, from_dict) from senpy import plugins from pprint import pprint class ModelsTest(TestCase): def test_jsonld(self): prueba = {"id": "test", "analysis": [], "entries": []} r = Results(**prueba) print("Response's context: ") pprint(r._context) assert == "test" j = r.jsonld(with_context=True) print("As JSON:") pprint(j) assert ("@context" in j) assert ("marl" in j["@context"]) assert ("entries" in j["@context"]) assert (j["@id"] == "test") assert "id" not in j r6 = Results(**prueba) e = Entry({"@id": "ohno", "nif:isString": "Just testing"}) r6.entries.append(e) logging.debug("Reponse 6: %s", r6) assert ("marl" in r6._context) assert ("entries" in r6._context) j6 = r6.jsonld(with_context=True) logging.debug("jsonld: %s", j6) assert ("@context" in j6) assert ("entries" in j6) assert ("analysis" in j6) resp = r6.flask() received = json.loads( logging.debug("Response: %s", j6) assert (received["entries"]) assert (received["entries"][0]["nif:isString"] == "Just testing") assert (received["entries"][0]["nif:isString"] != "Not testing") def test_id(self): """ Adding the id after creation should overwrite the automatic ID """ r = Entry() j = r.jsonld() assert '@id' in j = "test" j2 = r.jsonld() assert j2['@id'] == 'test' assert 'id' not in j2 def test_entries(self): e = Entry() self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, e.validate) e.nif__isString = "this is a test" e.nif__beginIndex = 0 e.nif__endIndex = 10 e.validate() def test_sentiment(self): s = Sentiment() self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, s.validate) s.nif__anchorOf = "so much testing" s.prov__wasGeneratedBy = "" s.validate() def test_emotion_set(self): e = EmotionSet() self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, e.validate) e.nif__anchorOf = "so much testing" e.prov__wasGeneratedBy = "" e.validate() def test_results(self): r = Results() e = Entry() e.nif__isString = "Results test" r.entries.append(e) = ":test_results" r.validate() def test_plugins(self): self.assertRaises(Error, plugins.Plugin) p = plugins.Plugin({"name": "dummy", "version": 0, "extra_params": { "none": { "options": ["es", ], "required": False, "default": "0" } }}) c = p.jsonld() assert '@type' in c assert c['@type'] == 'plugin' assert 'info' not in c assert 'repo' not in c assert 'extra_params' in c logging.debug('Framed:') logging.debug(c) p.validate() assert 'es' in c['extra_params']['none']['options'] assert isinstance(c['extra_params']['none']['options'], list) def test_str(self): """The string representation shouldn't include private variables""" r = Results() p = plugins.Plugin({"name": "STR test", "version": 0}) p._testing = 0 s = str(p) assert "_testing" not in s r.analysis.append(p) s = str(r) assert "_testing" not in s def test_turtle(self): """Any model should be serializable as a turtle file""" ana = EmotionAnalysis() res = Results() res.analysis.append(ana) entry = Entry(text='Just testing') eSet = EmotionSet() emotion = Emotion() entry.emotions.append(eSet) res.entries.append(entry) eSet.onyx__hasEmotion.append(emotion) eSet.prov__wasGeneratedBy = triples = ('ana a :Analysis', 'entry a :entry', ' nif:isString "Just testing"', ' onyx:hasEmotionSet eSet', 'eSet a onyx:EmotionSet', ' prov:wasGeneratedBy ana', ' onyx:hasEmotion emotion', 'emotion a onyx:Emotion', 'res a :results', ' me:AnalysisInvoloved ana', ' prov:used entry') t = res.serialize(format='turtle') print(t) g = rdflib.Graph().parse(data=t, format='turtle') assert len(g) == len(triples) def test_plugin_list(self): """The plugin list should be of type \"plugins\"""" plugs = Plugins() c = plugs.jsonld() assert '@type' in c assert c['@type'] == 'plugins' def test_single_plugin(self): """A response with a single plugin should still return a list""" plugs = Plugins() p = Plugin({'id': str(1), 'version': 0, 'description': 'dummy'}) plugs.plugins.append(p) assert isinstance(plugs.plugins, list) js = plugs.jsonld() assert isinstance(js['plugins'], list) def test_from_string(self): results = { '@type': 'results', '@id': 'prueba', 'entries': [{ '@id': 'entry1', '@type': 'entry', 'nif:isString': 'TEST' }] } recovered = from_dict(results) assert isinstance(recovered, Results) assert isinstance(recovered.entries[0], Entry) string = json.dumps(results) recovered = from_string(string) assert isinstance(recovered, Results) assert isinstance(recovered.entries[0], Entry)