from unittest import TestCase try: from unittest.mock import patch except ImportError: from mock import patch import json from senpy.client import Client from senpy.models import Results, Plugins, Error from senpy.plugins import AnalysisPlugin, default_plugin_type class Call(dict): def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj.serialize() self.status_code = 200 self.content = self.json() def json(self): return json.loads(self.obj) class ModelsTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): = '' self.port = 5000 def test_client(self): endpoint = 'http://dummy/' client = Client(endpoint) success = Call(Results()) with patch('requests.request', return_value=success) as patched: resp = client.analyse('hello') assert isinstance(resp, Results) patched.assert_called_with( url=endpoint + '/', method='GET', params={'input': 'hello'}) error = Call(Error('Nothing')) with patch('requests.request', return_value=error) as patched: try: client.analyse(input='hello', algorithm='NONEXISTENT') raise Exception('Exceptions should be raised. This is not golang') except Error: pass patched.assert_called_with( url=endpoint + '/', method='GET', params={'input': 'hello', 'algorithm': 'NONEXISTENT'}) def test_plugins(self): endpoint = 'http://dummy/' client = Client(endpoint) plugins = Plugins() p1 = AnalysisPlugin({'name': 'AnalysisP1', 'version': 0, 'description': 'No'}) plugins.plugins = [p1, ] success = Call(plugins) with patch('requests.request', return_value=success) as patched: response = client.plugins() assert isinstance(response, dict) assert len(response) == 1 assert "AnalysisP1" in response patched.assert_called_with( url=endpoint + '/plugins', method='GET', params={'plugin_type': default_plugin_type})