#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 J. Fernando Sánchez Rada - Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes # DIT, UPM # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ''' Simple Sentiment Analysis server ''' from flask import Blueprint, render_template, request, jsonify, current_app import json nif_blueprint = Blueprint("NIF Sentiment Analysis Server", __name__) BASIC_PARAMS = { "algorithm": {"aliases": ["algorithm", "a", "algo"], "required": False, }, } def get_params(req, params=BASIC_PARAMS): indict = None if req.method == 'POST': indict = req.form elif req.method == 'GET': indict = req.args else: raise ValueError("Invalid data") outdict = {} wrongParams = {} for param, options in params.iteritems(): for alias in options["aliases"]: if alias in indict: outdict[param] = indict[alias] if param not in outdict: if options.get("required", False): wrongParams[param] = params[param] else: if "default" in options: outdict[param] = options["default"] else: if "options" in params[param] and \ outdict[param] not in params[param]["options"]: wrongParams[param] = params[param] if wrongParams: message = {"status": "failed", "message": "Missing or invalid parameters"} message["parameters"] = outdict message["errors"] = {param:error for param, error in wrongParams.iteritems()} raise ValueError(json.dumps(message)) return outdict def basic_analysis(params): response = {"@context": ["http://demos.gsi.dit.upm.es/eurosentiment/static/context.jsonld", { "@base": "{}#".format(request.url.encode('utf-8')) } ], "analysis": [{ "@type": "marl:SentimentAnalysis" }], "entries": [] } if "language" in params: response["language"] = params["language"] for idx, sentence in enumerate(params["input"].split(".")): response["entries"].append({ "@id": "Sentence{}".format(idx), "nif:isString": sentence }) return response @nif_blueprint.route('/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def home(entries=None): try: algo = get_params(request).get("algorithm", None) specific_params = current_app.senpy.parameters(algo) params = get_params(request, specific_params) except ValueError as ex: return ex.message response = current_app.senpy.analyse(**params) return jsonify(response) @nif_blueprint.route("/default") def default(): return current_app.senpy.default_plugin #return plugins(action="list", plugin=current_app.senpy.default_algorithm) @nif_blueprint.route('/plugins/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @nif_blueprint.route('/plugins/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @nif_blueprint.route('/plugins//', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def plugins(plugin=None, action="list"): filt = {} if plugin: filt["name"] = plugin plugs = current_app.senpy.filter_plugins(**filt) if plugin and not plugs: return "Plugin not found", 400 if action == "list": with_params = request.args.get("params", "") == "1" dic = {plug:plugs[plug].jsonable(with_params) for plug in plugs} return jsonify(dic) if action == "disable": current_app.senpy.disable_plugin(plugin) return "Ok" elif action == "enable": current_app.senpy.enable_plugin(plugin) return "Ok" elif action == "reload": current_app.senpy.reload_plugin(plugin) return "Ok" else: return "action '{}' not allowed".format(action), 400 if __name__ == '__main__': import config from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) app.register_blueprint(nif_blueprint) app.debug = config.DEBUG app.run()