""" Main class for Senpy. It orchestrates plugin (de)activation and analysis. """ from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from . import plugins, api from .plugins import Plugin, evaluate from .models import Error, AggregatedEvaluation from .blueprints import api_blueprint, demo_blueprint, ns_blueprint from threading import Thread from functools import partial import os import copy import errno import logging from . import gsitk_compat logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Senpy(object): """ Default Senpy extension for Flask """ def __init__(self, app=None, plugin_folder=".", data_folder=None, default_plugins=False): default_data = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'senpy_data') self.data_folder = data_folder or os.environ.get('SENPY_DATA', default_data) try: os.makedirs(self.data_folder) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: logger.debug('Data folder exists: {}'.format(self.data_folder)) else: # pragma: no cover raise self._default = None self._plugins = {} if plugin_folder: self.add_folder(plugin_folder) if default_plugins: self.add_folder('plugins', from_root=True) else: # Add only conversion plugins self.add_folder(os.path.join('plugins', 'conversion'), from_root=True) self.app = app if app is not None: self.init_app(app) def init_app(self, app): """ Initialise a flask app to add plugins to its context """ """ Note: I'm not particularly fond of adding self.app and app.senpy, but I can't think of a better way to do it. """ app.senpy = self # Use the newstyle teardown_appcontext if it's available, # otherwise fall back to the request context if hasattr(app, 'teardown_appcontext'): app.teardown_appcontext(self.teardown) else: # pragma: no cover app.teardown_request(self.teardown) app.register_blueprint(api_blueprint, url_prefix="/api") app.register_blueprint(ns_blueprint, url_prefix="/ns") app.register_blueprint(demo_blueprint, url_prefix="/") def add_plugin(self, plugin): self._plugins[plugin.name.lower()] = plugin def delete_plugin(self, plugin): del self._plugins[plugin.name.lower()] def plugins(self, **kwargs): """ Return the plugins registered for a given application. Filtered by criteria """ return list(plugins.pfilter(self._plugins, **kwargs)) def get_plugin(self, name, default=None): if name == 'default': return self.default_plugin plugin = name.lower() if plugin in self._plugins: return self._plugins[plugin] results = self.plugins(id='endpoint:plugins/{}'.format(name)) if not results: return Error(message="Plugin not found", status=404) return results[0] @property def analysis_plugins(self): """ Return only the analysis plugins """ return self.plugins(plugin_type='analysisPlugin') def add_folder(self, folder, from_root=False): """ Find plugins in this folder and add them to this instance """ if from_root: folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), folder) logger.debug("Adding folder: %s", folder) if os.path.isdir(folder): new_plugins = plugins.from_folder([folder], data_folder=self.data_folder) for plugin in new_plugins: self.add_plugin(plugin) else: raise AttributeError("Not a folder or does not exist: %s", folder) def _get_plugins(self, request): if not self.analysis_plugins: raise Error( status=404, message=("No plugins found." " Please install one.")) algos = request.parameters.get('algorithm', None) if not algos: if self.default_plugin: algos = [self.default_plugin.name, ] else: raise Error( status=404, message="No default plugin found, and None provided") plugins = list() for algo in algos: algo = algo.lower() if algo not in self._plugins: msg = ("The algorithm '{}' is not valid\n" "Valid algorithms: {}").format(algo, self._plugins.keys()) logger.debug(msg) raise Error( status=404, message=msg) plugins.append(self._plugins[algo]) return plugins def _process_entries(self, entries, req, plugins): """ Recursively process the entries with the first plugin in the list, and pass the results to the rest of the plugins. """ if not plugins: for i in entries: yield i return plugin = plugins[0] self._activate(plugin) # Make sure the plugin is activated specific_params = api.parse_extra_params(req, plugin) req.analysis.append({'plugin': plugin, 'parameters': specific_params}) results = plugin.analyse_entries(entries, specific_params) for i in self._process_entries(results, req, plugins[1:]): yield i def install_deps(self): plugins.install_deps(*self.plugins()) def analyse(self, request): """ Main method that analyses a request, either from CLI or HTTP. It takes a processed request, provided by the user, as returned by api.parse_call(). """ logger.debug("analysing request: {}".format(request)) entries = request.entries request.entries = [] plugins = self._get_plugins(request) results = request for i in self._process_entries(entries, results, plugins): results.entries.append(i) self.convert_emotions(results) logger.debug("Returning analysis result: {}".format(results)) results.analysis = [i['plugin'].id for i in results.analysis] return results def _get_datasets(self, request): if not self.datasets: raise Error( status=404, message=("No datasets found." " Please verify DatasetManager")) datasets_name = request.parameters.get('dataset', None).split(',') for dataset in datasets_name: if dataset not in self.datasets: logger.debug(("The dataset '{}' is not valid\n" "Valid datasets: {}").format(dataset, self.datasets.keys())) raise Error( status=404, message="The dataset '{}' is not valid".format(dataset)) dm = gsitk_compat.DatasetManager() datasets = dm.prepare_datasets(datasets_name) return datasets @property def datasets(self): self._dataset_list = {} dm = gsitk_compat.DatasetManager() for item in dm.get_datasets(): for key in item: if key in self._dataset_list: continue properties = item[key] properties['@id'] = key self._dataset_list[key] = properties return self._dataset_list def evaluate(self, params): logger.debug("evaluating request: {}".format(params)) results = AggregatedEvaluation() results.parameters = params datasets = self._get_datasets(results) plugins = self._get_plugins(results) for eval in evaluate(plugins, datasets): results.evaluations.append(eval) if 'with_parameters' not in results.parameters: del results.parameters logger.debug("Returning evaluation result: {}".format(results)) return results def _conversion_candidates(self, fromModel, toModel): candidates = self.plugins(plugin_type='emotionConversionPlugin') for candidate in candidates: for pair in candidate.onyx__doesConversion: logging.debug(pair) if pair['onyx:conversionFrom'] == fromModel \ and pair['onyx:conversionTo'] == toModel: yield candidate def convert_emotions(self, resp): """ Conversion of all emotions in a response **in place**. In addition to converting from one model to another, it has to include the conversion plugin to the analysis list. Needless to say, this is far from an elegant solution, but it works. @todo refactor and clean up """ plugins = [i['plugin'] for i in resp.analysis] params = resp.parameters toModel = params.get('emotionModel', None) if not toModel: return logger.debug('Asked for model: {}'.format(toModel)) output = params.get('conversion', None) candidates = {} for plugin in plugins: try: fromModel = plugin.get('onyx:usesEmotionModel', None) candidates[plugin.id] = next(self._conversion_candidates(fromModel, toModel)) logger.debug('Analysis plugin {} uses model: {}'.format(plugin.id, fromModel)) except StopIteration: e = Error(('No conversion plugin found for: ' '{} -> {}'.format(fromModel, toModel)), status=404) e.original_response = resp e.parameters = params raise e newentries = [] for i in resp.entries: if output == "full": newemotions = copy.deepcopy(i.emotions) else: newemotions = [] for j in i.emotions: plugname = j['prov:wasGeneratedBy'] candidate = candidates[plugname] resp.analysis.append({'plugin': candidate, 'parameters': params}) for k in candidate.convert(j, fromModel, toModel, params): k.prov__wasGeneratedBy = candidate.id if output == 'nested': k.prov__wasDerivedFrom = j newemotions.append(k) i.emotions = newemotions newentries.append(i) resp.entries = newentries @property def default_plugin(self): if not self._default or not self._default.is_activated: candidates = self.plugins(plugin_type='analysisPlugin', is_activated=True) if len(candidates) > 0: self._default = candidates[0] else: self._default = None logger.debug("Default: {}".format(self._default)) return self._default @default_plugin.setter def default_plugin(self, value): if isinstance(value, Plugin): if not value.is_activated: raise AttributeError('The default plugin has to be activated.') self._default = value else: self._default = self._plugins[value.lower()] def activate_all(self, sync=True, allow_fail=False): ps = [] for plug in self._plugins.keys(): try: self.activate_plugin(plug, sync=sync) except Exception as ex: if not allow_fail: raise logger.error('Could not activate {}: {}'.format(plug, ex)) return ps def deactivate_all(self, sync=True): ps = [] for plug in self._plugins.keys(): ps.append(self.deactivate_plugin(plug, sync=sync)) return ps def _set_active(self, plugin, active=True, *args, **kwargs): ''' We're using a variable in the plugin itself to activate/deactivate plugins.\ Note that plugins may activate themselves by setting this variable. ''' plugin.is_activated = active def _activate(self, plugin): success = False with plugin._lock: if plugin.is_activated: return plugin.activate() msg = "Plugin activated: {}".format(plugin.name) logger.info(msg) success = True self._set_active(plugin, success) return success def activate_plugin(self, plugin_name, sync=True): plugin_name = plugin_name.lower() if plugin_name not in self._plugins: raise Error( message="Plugin not found: {}".format(plugin_name), status=404) plugin = self._plugins[plugin_name] logger.info("Activating plugin: {}".format(plugin.name)) if sync or 'async' in plugin and not plugin.async: return self._activate(plugin) else: th = Thread(target=partial(self._activate, plugin)) th.start() return th def _deactivate(self, plugin): with plugin._lock: if not plugin.is_activated: return plugin.deactivate() logger.info("Plugin deactivated: {}".format(plugin.name)) def deactivate_plugin(self, plugin_name, sync=True): plugin_name = plugin_name.lower() if plugin_name not in self._plugins: raise Error( message="Plugin not found: {}".format(plugin_name), status=404) plugin = self._plugins[plugin_name] self._set_active(plugin, False) if sync or 'async' in plugin and not plugin.async: self._deactivate(plugin) else: th = Thread(target=partial(self._deactivate, plugin)) th.start() return th def teardown(self, exception): pass