import logging import jsonschema import json import rdflib from unittest import TestCase from senpy.models import (Emotion, EmotionAnalysis, EmotionSet, Entry, Error, Results, Sentiment) from senpy.plugins import SenpyPlugin from pprint import pprint class ModelsTest(TestCase): def test_jsonld(self): prueba = {"id": "test", "analysis": [], "entries": []} r = Results(**prueba) print("Response's context: ") pprint(r._context) assert == "test" j = r.jsonld(with_context=True) print("As JSON:") pprint(j) assert ("@context" in j) assert ("marl" in j["@context"]) assert ("entries" in j["@context"]) assert (j["@id"] == "test") assert "id" not in j r6 = Results(**prueba) e = Entry({"@id": "ohno", "nif:isString": "Just testing"}) r6.entries.append(e) logging.debug("Reponse 6: %s", r6) assert ("marl" in r6._context) assert ("entries" in r6._context) j6 = r6.jsonld(with_context=True) logging.debug("jsonld: %s", j6) assert ("@context" in j6) assert ("entries" in j6) assert ("analysis" in j6) resp = r6.flask() received = json.loads( logging.debug("Response: %s", j6) assert (received["entries"]) assert (received["entries"][0]["nif:isString"] == "Just testing") assert (received["entries"][0]["nif:isString"] != "Not testing") def test_id(self): ''' Adding the id after creation should overwrite the automatic ID ''' r = Entry() j = r.jsonld() assert '@id' in j = "test" j2 = r.jsonld() assert j2['@id'] == 'test' assert 'id' not in j2 def test_entries(self): e = Entry() self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, e.validate) e.nif__isString = "this is a test" e.nif__beginIndex = 0 e.nif__endIndex = 10 e.validate() def test_sentiment(self): s = Sentiment() self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, s.validate) s.nif__anchorOf = "so much testing" s.prov__wasGeneratedBy = "" s.validate() def test_emotion_set(self): e = EmotionSet() self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, e.validate) e.nif__anchorOf = "so much testing" e.prov__wasGeneratedBy = "" e.validate() def test_results(self): r = Results() e = Entry() e.nif__isString = "Results test" r.entries.append(e) = ":test_results" r.validate() def test_plugins(self): self.assertRaises(Error, SenpyPlugin) p = SenpyPlugin({"name": "dummy", "version": 0}) c = p.jsonld() assert "info" not in c assert "repo" not in c assert "extra_params" in c logging.debug("Framed:") logging.debug(c) p.validate() def test_str(self): """The string representation shouldn't include private variables""" r = Results() p = SenpyPlugin({"name": "STR test", "version": 0}) p._testing = 0 s = str(p) assert "_testing" not in s r.analysis.append(p) s = str(r) assert "_testing" not in s def test_turtle(self): """Any model should be serializable as a turtle file""" ana = EmotionAnalysis() res = Results() res.analysis.append(ana) entry = Entry(text='Just testing') eSet = EmotionSet() emotion = Emotion() entry.emotions.append(eSet) res.entries.append(entry) eSet.onyx__hasEmotion.append(emotion) eSet.prov__wasGeneratedBy = triples = ('ana a :Analysis', 'entry a :entry', ' nif:isString "Just testing"', ' onyx:hasEmotionSet eSet', 'eSet a onyx:EmotionSet', ' prov:wasGeneratedBy ana', ' onyx:hasEmotion emotion', 'emotion a onyx:Emotion', 'res a :results', ' me:AnalysisInvoloved ana', ' prov:used entry') t = res.serialize(format='turtle') print(t) g = rdflib.Graph().parse(data=t, format='turtle') assert len(g) == len(triples)