Introduction ------------ Senpy includes experimental support for emotion/sentiment conversion plugins. Use --- Consider the original query: ``_ The requested plugin (emoRand) returns emotions using Ekman's model (or big6 in EmotionML): .. code:: json ... rest of the document ... { "@type": "emotionSet", "onyx:hasEmotion": { "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "emoml:big6anger" }, "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/emoRand_0.1" } To get these emotions in VAD space (FSRE dimensions in EmotionML), we'd do this: ``_ This call, provided there is a valid conversion plugin from Ekman's to VAD, would return something like this: .. code:: json ... rest of the document ... { "@type": "emotionSet", "onyx:hasEmotion": { "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "emoml:big6anger" }, "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/emoRand_0.1" }, { "@type": "emotionSet", "onyx:hasEmotion": { "@type": "emotion", "A": 7.22, "D": 6.28, "V": 8.6 }, "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/Ekman2VAD_0.1" } That is called a *full* response, as it simply adds the converted emotion alongside. It is also possible to get the original emotion nested within the new converted emotion, using the `conversion=nested` parameter: .. code:: json ... rest of the document ... { "@type": "emotionSet", "onyx:hasEmotion": { "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "emoml:big6anger" }, "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/emoRand_0.1" "onyx:wasDerivedFrom": { "@type": "emotionSet", "onyx:hasEmotion": { "@type": "emotion", "A": 7.22, "D": 6.28, "V": 8.6 }, "prov:wasGeneratedBy": "plugins/Ekman2VAD_0.1" } } Lastly, `conversion=filtered` would only return the converted emotions. Developing a conversion plugin ------------------------------ Conversion plugins are discovered by the server just like any other plugin. The difference is the slightly different API, and the need to specify the `source` and `target` of the conversion. For instance, an emotion conversion plugin needs the following: .. code:: yaml --- onyx:doesConversion: - onyx:conversionFrom: emoml:big6 onyx:conversionTo: emoml:fsre-dimensions - onyx:conversionFrom: emoml:fsre-dimensions onyx:conversionTo: emoml:big6 .. code:: python class MyConversion(EmotionConversionPlugin): def convert(self, emotionSet, fromModel, toModel, params): pass