from __future__ import print_function import os from copy import deepcopy import logging try: from unittest import mock except ImportError: import mock from functools import partial from senpy.extensions import Senpy from senpy.models import Error, Results, Entry, EmotionSet, Emotion, Plugin from flask import Flask from unittest import TestCase class ExtensionsTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): = Flask('test_extensions') self.dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.senpy = Senpy(plugin_folder=self.dir,, default_plugins=False) self.senpy.activate_plugin("Dummy", sync=True) def test_init(self): """ Initialising the app with the extension. """ assert hasattr(, "senpy") tapp = Flask("temp app") self.senpy.init_app(tapp) assert hasattr(tapp, "senpy") def test_discovery(self): """ Discovery of plugins in given folders. """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember assert self.dir in self.senpy._search_folders print(self.senpy.plugins) assert "Dummy" in self.senpy.plugins def test_enabling(self): """ Enabling a plugin """ info = { 'name': 'TestPip', 'module': 'dummy', 'description': None, 'requirements': ['noop'], 'version': 0 } root = os.path.join(self.dir, 'plugins', 'dummy_plugin') name, module = self.senpy._load_plugin_from_info(info, root=root) assert name == 'TestPip' assert module import noop dir(noop) self.senpy.install_deps() def test_installing(self): """ Enabling a plugin """ self.senpy.activate_all(sync=True) assert len(self.senpy.plugins) >= 3 assert self.senpy.plugins["Sleep"].is_activated def test_installing_nonexistent(self): """ Fail if the dependencies cannot be met """ info = { 'name': 'TestPipFail', 'module': 'dummy', 'description': None, 'requirements': ['IAmMakingThisPackageNameUpToFail'], 'version': 0 } root = os.path.join(self.dir, 'plugins', 'dummy_plugin') with self.assertRaises(Error): name, module = self.senpy._load_plugin_from_info(info, root=root) def test_disabling(self): """ Disabling a plugin """ self.senpy.deactivate_all(sync=True) assert not self.senpy.plugins["Dummy"].is_activated assert not self.senpy.plugins["Sleep"].is_activated def test_default(self): """ Default plugin should be set """ assert self.senpy.default_plugin assert == "Dummy" self.senpy.deactivate_all(sync=True) logging.debug("Default: {}".format(self.senpy.default_plugin)) assert self.senpy.default_plugin is None def test_noplugin(self): """ Don't analyse if there isn't any plugin installed """ self.senpy.deactivate_all(sync=True) self.assertRaises(Error, partial(self.senpy.analyse, input="tupni")) self.assertRaises(Error, partial( self.senpy.analyse, input="tupni", algorithm='Dummy')) def test_analyse(self): """ Using a plugin """ # I was using mock until plugin started inheriting # Leaf (defaultdict with __setattr__ and __getattr__. r1 = self.senpy.analyse( algorithm="Dummy", input="tupni", output="tuptuo") r2 = self.senpy.analyse(input="tupni", output="tuptuo") assert r1.analysis[0] == "plugins/Dummy_0.1" assert r2.analysis[0] == "plugins/Dummy_0.1" assert r1.entries[0].text == 'input' def test_analyse_jsonld(self): """ Using a plugin with JSON-LD input""" js_input = '''{ "@id": "prueba", "@type": "results", "entries": [ {"@id": "entry1", "text": "tupni", "@type": "entry" } ] }''' r1 = self.senpy.analyse(algorithm="Dummy", input=js_input, informat="json-ld", output="tuptuo") r2 = self.senpy.analyse(input="tupni", output="tuptuo") assert r1.analysis[0] == "plugins/Dummy_0.1" assert r2.analysis[0] == "plugins/Dummy_0.1" assert r1.entries[0].text == 'input' def test_analyse_error(self): mm = mock.MagicMock() = 'magic_mock' mm.analyse_entries.side_effect = Error('error on analysis', status=500) self.senpy.plugins['MOCK'] = mm try: self.senpy.analyse(input='nothing', algorithm='MOCK') assert False except Error as ex: assert ex['message'] == 'error on analysis' assert ex['status'] == 500 mm.analyse.side_effect = Exception('generic exception on analysis') mm.analyse_entries.side_effect = Exception( 'generic exception on analysis') try: self.senpy.analyse(input='nothing', algorithm='MOCK') assert False except Error as ex: assert ex['message'] == 'generic exception on analysis' assert ex['status'] == 500 def test_filtering(self): """ Filtering plugins """ assert len(self.senpy.filter_plugins(name="Dummy")) > 0 assert not len(self.senpy.filter_plugins(name="notdummy")) assert self.senpy.filter_plugins(name="Dummy", is_activated=True) self.senpy.deactivate_plugin("Dummy", sync=True) assert not len( self.senpy.filter_plugins(name="Dummy", is_activated=True)) def test_load_default_plugins(self): senpy = Senpy(plugin_folder=self.dir, default_plugins=True) assert len(senpy.plugins) > 1 def test_convert_emotions(self): self.senpy.activate_all(sync=True) plugin = Plugin({ 'id': 'imaginary', 'onyx:usesEmotionModel': 'emoml:fsre-dimensions' }) eSet1 = EmotionSet() eSet1.prov__wasGeneratedBy = plugin['id'] eSet1['onyx:hasEmotion'].append(Emotion({ 'emoml:arousal': 1, 'emoml:potency': 0, 'emoml:valence': 0 })) response = Results({ 'entries': [Entry({ 'text': 'much ado about nothing', 'emotions': [eSet1] })] }) params = {'emotionModel': 'emoml:big6', 'conversion': 'full'} r1 = deepcopy(response) self.senpy.convert_emotions(r1, [plugin, ], params) assert len(r1.entries[0].emotions) == 2 params['conversion'] = 'nested' r2 = deepcopy(response) self.senpy.convert_emotions(r2, [plugin, ], params) assert len(r2.entries[0].emotions) == 1 assert r2.entries[0].emotions[0]['prov:wasDerivedFrom'] == eSet1 params['conversion'] = 'filtered' r3 = deepcopy(response) self.senpy.convert_emotions(r3, [plugin, ], params) assert len(r3.entries[0].emotions) == 1 r3.jsonld() # def test_async_plugin(self): # """ We should accept multiprocessing plugins with async=False""" # thread1 = self.senpy.activate_plugin("Async", sync=False) # thread1.join(timeout=1) # assert len(self.senpy.plugins['Async'].value) == 4 # resp = self.senpy.analyse(input='nothing', algorithm='Async') # assert len(resp.entries[0].async_values) == 2 # self.senpy.activate_plugin("Async", sync=True)