from senpy import PostProcessing, easy_test class MaxEmotion(PostProcessing): '''Plugin to extract the emotion with highest value from an EmotionSet''' author = '@dsuarezsouto' version = '0.1' def process_entry(self, entry, activity): if len(entry.emotions) < 1: yield entry return set_emotions = entry.emotions[0]['onyx:hasEmotion'] # If there is only one emotion, do not modify it if len(set_emotions) < 2: yield entry return max_emotion = set_emotions[0] # Extract max emotion from the set emotions (emotion with highest intensity) for tmp_emotion in set_emotions: if tmp_emotion['onyx:hasEmotionIntensity'] > max_emotion[ 'onyx:hasEmotionIntensity']: max_emotion = tmp_emotion if max_emotion['onyx:hasEmotionIntensity'] == 0: max_emotion['onyx:hasEmotionCategory'] = "neutral" max_emotion['onyx:hasEmotionIntensity'] = 1.0 entry.emotions[0]['onyx:hasEmotion'] = [max_emotion] entry.emotions[0]['prov:wasGeneratedBy'] = yield entry def check(self, request, plugins): return 'maxemotion' in request.parameters and self not in plugins # Test Cases: # 1 Normal Situation. # 2 Case to return a Neutral Emotion. test_cases = [ { "name": "If there are several emotions within an emotion set, reduce it to one.", "entry": { "@type": "entry", "onyx:hasEmotionSet": [ { "@id": "Emotions0", "@type": "emotionSet", "onyx:hasEmotion": [ { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "anger", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0 }, { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "joy", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0.3333333333333333 }, { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "negative-fear", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0 }, { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "sadness", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0 }, { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "disgust", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0 } ] } ], "nif:isString": "Test" }, 'expected': { "@type": "entry", "onyx:hasEmotionSet": [ { "@id": "Emotions0", "@type": "emotionSet", "onyx:hasEmotion": [ { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "joy", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0.3333333333333333 } ] } ], "nif:isString": "Test" } }, { "name": "If the maximum emotion has an intensity of 0, return a neutral emotion.", "entry": { "@type": "entry", "onyx:hasEmotionSet": [{ "@id": "Emotions0", "@type": "emotionSet", "onyx:hasEmotion": [ { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "anger", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0 }, { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "joy", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0 }, { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "negative-fear", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0 }, { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "sadness", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0 }, { "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "disgust", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 0 }] }], "nif:isString": "Test" }, 'expected': { "@type": "entry", "onyx:hasEmotionSet": [{ "@id": "Emotions0", "@type": "emotionSet", "onyx:hasEmotion": [{ "@id": "_:Emotion_1538121033.74", "@type": "emotion", "onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "neutral", "onyx:hasEmotionIntensity": 1 }] }], "nif:isString": "Test" } } ] if __name__ == '__main__': easy_test()