import requests import json from senpy.plugins import SentimentPlugin from senpy.models import Sentiment class Sentiment140(SentimentPlugin): '''Connects to the sentiment140 free API:''' author = "@balkian" version = '0.2' url = "" extra_params = { 'language': { "@id": 'lang_sentiment140', 'aliases': ['language', 'l'], 'required': False, 'default': 'auto', 'options': ['es', 'en', 'auto'] } } maxPolarityValue = 1 minPolarityValue = 0 def analyse_entry(self, entry, params): lang = params["language"] res ="", json.dumps({ "language": lang, "data": [{ "text": entry['nif:isString'] }] })) p = params.get("prefix", None) polarity_value = self.maxPolarityValue * int( res.json()["data"][0]["polarity"]) * 0.25 polarity = "marl:Neutral" neutral_value = self.maxPolarityValue / 2.0 if polarity_value > neutral_value: polarity = "marl:Positive" elif polarity_value < neutral_value: polarity = "marl:Negative" sentiment = Sentiment( prefix=p, marl__hasPolarity=polarity, marl__polarityValue=polarity_value) sentiment.prov__wasGeneratedBy = entry.sentiments.append(sentiment) entry.language = lang yield entry def test(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' To avoid calling the sentiment140 API, we will mock the results from requests. ''' from senpy.testing import patch_requests expected = {"data": [{"polarity": 4}]} with patch_requests(expected) as (request, response): super(Sentiment140, self).test(*args, **kwargs) assert request.called assert response.json.called test_cases = [ { 'entry': { 'nif:isString': 'I love Titanic' }, 'params': {}, 'expected': { "nif:isString": "I love Titanic", 'sentiments': [ { 'marl:hasPolarity': 'marl:Positive', } ] } } ]