About Senpy

Senpy is a framework to build semantic sentiment and emotion analysis services. It does so by using a mix of web and semantic technologies, such as JSON-LD, RDFlib and Flask.

Senpy makes it easy to develop and publish your own analysis algorithms (plugins in senpy terms).

This website is the senpy Playground, which allows you to test the instance of senpy in this server. It provides a user-friendly interface to the functions exposed by the senpy API.

Once you get comfortable with the parameters and results, you are encouraged to issue your own requests to the API endpoint. You can find examples of API URL's when you try out a plugin with the "Analyse!" button on the "Test it" tab.

These are some of the things you can do with the API:

Available Plugins
    Evaluate Plugin!
    Plugin Dataset Accuracy Precision_macro Recall_macro F1_macro F1_weighted F1_micro F1