import pip from setuptools import setup from pip.req import parse_requirements # parse_requirements() returns generator of pip.req.InstallRequirement objects try: install_reqs = parse_requirements( "requirements.txt", test_reqs = parse_requirements( "test-requirements.txt", except AttributeError: install_reqs = parse_requirements("requirements.txt") test_reqs = parse_requirements("test-requirements.txt") # reqs is a list of requirement # e.g. ['django==1.5.1', 'mezzanine==1.4.6'] install_reqs = [str(ir.req) for ir in install_reqs] test_reqs = [str(ir.req) for ir in test_reqs] from senpy import __version__ setup( name='senpy', packages=['senpy'], # this must be the same as the name above version=__version__, description=('A sentiment analysis server implementation. ' 'Designed to be extensible, so new algorithms ' 'and sources can be used.'), author='J. Fernando Sanchez', author_email='', url='', # use the URL to the github repo download_url='{}.tar.gz'.format( __version__), keywords=['eurosentiment', 'sentiment', 'emotions', 'nif'], classifiers=[], install_requires=install_reqs, tests_require=test_reqs, setup_requires=['pytest-runner', ], include_package_data=True, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': ['senpy = senpy.__main__:main', 'senpy-cli = senpy.cli:main'] })