#!/usr/local/bin/python # coding: utf-8 from senpy import easy_test, models, plugins import basic class ParameterizedDictionary(plugins.SentimentPlugin): '''This is a basic self-contained plugin''' author = '@balkian' version = '0.2' extra_params = { 'positive-words': { 'description': 'Comma-separated list of words that are considered positive', 'aliases': ['positive'], 'required': True }, 'negative-words': { 'description': 'Comma-separated list of words that are considered negative', 'aliases': ['negative'], 'required': False } } def analyse_entry(self, entry, params): positive_words = params['positive-words'].split(',') negative_words = params['negative-words'].split(',') dictionary = { 'marl:Positive': positive_words, 'marl:Negative': negative_words, } polarity = basic.get_polarity(entry.text, [dictionary]) s = models.Sentiment(marl__hasPolarity=polarity) s.prov(self) entry.sentiments.append(s) yield entry test_cases = [ { 'input': 'Hello :)', 'polarity': 'marl:Positive', 'parameters': { 'positive': "Hello,:)", 'negative': "sad,:()" } }, { 'input': 'Hello :)', 'polarity': 'marl:Negative', 'parameters': { 'positive': "", 'negative': "Hello" } } ] if __name__ == '__main__': easy_test()