# Deployment with Kubernetes # KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE is the path of a certificate file. It automatically set by GitLab # if you enable Kubernetes integration in a project. # # As of this writing, Kubernetes integration can not be set on a group level, so it has to # be manually set in every project. # Alternatively, we use a custom KUBE_CA_BUNDLE environment variable, which can be set at # the group level. In this case, the variable contains the whole content of the certificate, # which we dump to a temporary file # # Check if the KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE exists. Otherwise, create it from KUBE_CA_BUNDLE KUBE_CA_TEMP=false ifeq ($(wildcard $(KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE)),) KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE:="$$PWD/.ca.crt" CREATED:=$(shell echo -e "$$KUBE_CA_BUNDLE" > $(KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE)) endif KUBE_URL?="" KUBE_TOKEN?="" KUBE_NAMESPACE?=$(NAME) KUBECTL=docker run --rm -v $(KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE):/tmp/ca.pem -i lachlanevenson/k8s-kubectl --server="$(KUBE_URL)" --token="$(KUBE_TOKEN)" --certificate-authority="/tmp/ca.pem" -n $(KUBE_NAMESPACE) CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME?=master info: ## Print variables. Useful for debugging. @echo "#KUBERNETES" @echo KUBE_URL=$(KUBE_URL) @echo KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE=$(KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE) @echo KUBE_CA_BUNDLE=$$KUBE_CA_BUNDLE @echo KUBE_TOKEN=$(KUBE_TOKEN) @echo KUBE_NAMESPACE=$(KUBE_NAMESPACE) @echo KUBECTL=$(KUBECTL) @echo "#CI" @echo CI_PROJECT_NAME=$(CI_PROJECT_NAME) @echo CI_REGISTRY=$(CI_REGISTRY) @echo CI_REGISTRY_USER=$(CI_REGISTRY_USER) @echo CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME=$(CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME) # # Deployment and advanced features # deploy: ## Deploy to kubernetes using the credentials in KUBE_CA_PEM_FILE (or KUBE_CA_BUNDLE ) and TOKEN @cat k8s/*.{yaml,yml,tmpl} | envsubst | $(KUBECTL) apply -f - deploy-check: ## Get the deployed configuration. @$(KUBECTL) get deploy,pods,svc,ingress .PHONY:: info deploy deploy-check