# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time import requests import json import string import os from os import path import time from senpy.plugins import SentimentPlugin from senpy.models import Results, Entry, Entity, Topic, Sentiment, Error TAIGER_ENDPOINT = os.environ.get("TAIGER_ENDPOINT", '') class TaigerPlugin(SentimentPlugin): ''' Service that analyzes sentiments from social posts written in Spanish or English. Example request: http://senpy.cluster.gsi.dit.upm.es/api/?algo=sentiment-taiger&inputText=This%20is%20amazing ''' name = 'sentiment-taiger' author = 'GSI UPM' version = "0.1" maxPolarityValue = 0 minPolarityValue = -10 def _polarity(self, value): if 'neu' in value: polarity = 'marl:Neutral' elif 'neg' in value: polarity = 'marl:Negative' elif 'pos' in value: polarity = 'marl:Positive' return polarity def analyse_entry(self, entry, params): txt = entry['nif:isString'] api = TAIGER_ENDPOINT parameters = { 'inputText': txt } try: r = requests.get( api, params=parameters, timeout=3) api_response = r.json() except requests.exceptions.Timeout: raise Error("No response from the API") except Exception as ex: raise Error("There was a problem with the endpoint: {}".format(ex)) if not api_response.get('positivityCategory'): raise Error('No positive category in response: {}'.format(r.json())) self.log.debug(api_response) agg_polarity = self._polarity(api_response.get('positivityCategory')) normalized_text = api_response.get('normalizedText', None) agg_opinion = Sentiment( id="Opinion0", marl__hasPolarity=agg_polarity, marl__polarityValue=api_response['positivityScore'] ) agg_opinion["normalizedText"] = api_response['normalizedText'] agg_opinion.prov(self) entry.sentiments.append(agg_opinion) yield entry test_cases = [ { 'params': { 'algo': 'sentiment-taiger', 'intype': 'direct', 'expanded-jsonld': 0, 'informat': 'text', 'prefix': '', 'plugin_type': 'analysisPlugin', 'urischeme': 'RFC5147String', 'outformat': 'json-ld', 'conversion': 'full', 'language': 'en', 'apikey': '00000', 'algorithm': 'sentiment-taiger' }, 'input': 'I hate to say this', 'expected': { 'sentiments': [ {'marl:hasPolarity': 'marl:Negative'}], }, 'responses': [ { 'url': TAIGER_ENDPOINT, 'json': { "inputText": "I hate to say this", "normalizedText": "I hate to say this", "positivityScore": -1.8951251587831475, "positivityCategory": "neg" } } ] }, { 'params': { 'algo': 'sentiment-taiger', 'intype': 'direct', 'expanded-jsonld': 0, 'informat': 'text', 'prefix': '', 'plugin_type': 'analysisPlugin', 'urischeme': 'RFC5147String', 'outformat': 'json-ld', 'conversion': 'full', 'language': 'en', 'apikey': '00000', 'algorithm': 'sentiment-taiger' }, 'input': 'This is amazing', 'expected': { 'sentiments': [ {'marl:hasPolarity': 'marl:Positive'}], }, 'responses': [ { 'url': TAIGER_ENDPOINT, 'json': { "inputText": "This is amazing ", "normalizedText": "This is amazing", "positivityScore": -1.4646806570973374, "positivityCategory": "pos" } } ] }, { 'params': { 'algo': 'sentiment-taiger', 'intype': 'direct', 'expanded-jsonld': 0, 'informat': 'text', 'prefix': '', 'plugin_type': 'analysisPlugin', 'urischeme': 'RFC5147String', 'outformat': 'json-ld', 'conversion': 'full', 'language': 'en', 'apikey': '00000', 'algorithm': 'sentiment-taiger' }, 'input': 'The pillow is in the wardrobe', 'expected': { 'sentiments': [ {'marl:hasPolarity': 'marl:Neutral'}], }, 'responses': [ { 'url': TAIGER_ENDPOINT, 'json': { "inputText": "The pillow is in the wardrobe", "normalizedText": "The pillow is in the wardrobe", "positivityScore": -2.723999097522657, "positivityCategory": "neu" } } ] } ] if __name__ == '__main__': from senpy import easy_test easy_test()