# Uncomment if you want to use docker-in-docker # image: gsiupm/dockermake:latest # services: # - docker:dind # When using dind, it's wise to use the overlayfs driver for # improved performance. stages: - test - push - deploy - clean before_script: - make -e login .test: &test_definition stage: test script: - make -e test-$PYTHON_VERSION test-3.5: <<: *test_definition variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "3.5" .image: &image_definition stage: push script: - make -e push-$PYTHON_VERSION only: - tags - triggers push-3.5: <<: *image_definition variables: PYTHON_VERSION: "3.5" push-latest: <<: *image_definition variables: PYTHON_VERSION: latest only: - tags - triggers deploy: stage: deploy environment: production script: - make -e deploy only: - tags - triggers clean : stage: clean script: - make -e clean when: manual cleanup_py: stage: clean when: always # this is important; run even if preceding stages failed. script: - docker logout