Installation ------------ The stable version can be installed in three ways. Through PIP *********** .. code:: bash pip install --user senpy Alternatively, you can use the development version: .. code:: bash git clone cd senpy pip install --user . If you want to install senpy globally, use sudo instead of the ``--user`` flag. Docker Image ************ Build the image or use the pre-built one: .. code:: bash docker run -ti -p 5000:5000 gsiupm/senpy --host --default-plugins To add custom plugins, use a docker volume: .. code:: bash docker run -ti -p 5000:5000 -v :/plugins gsiupm/senpy --host --default-plugins -f /plugins Alias ..... If you are using the docker approach regularly, it is advisable to use a script or an alias to simplify your executions: .. code:: bash alias senpy='docker run --rm -ti -p 5000:5000 -v $PWD:/senpy-plugins gsiupm/senpy --default-plugins' Python 2 ........ There is a Senpy version for python2 too: .. code:: bash docker run -ti -p 5000:5000 gsiupm/senpy:python2.7 --host --default-plugins