#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 J. Fernando Sánchez Rada - Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes # DIT, UPM # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Blueprints for Senpy """ from flask import (Blueprint, request, current_app, render_template, url_for, jsonify, redirect) from .models import Error, Response, Help, Plugins, read_schema, dump_schema, Datasets from . import api from .version import __version__ from functools import wraps import logging import traceback import json import base64 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) api_blueprint = Blueprint("api", __name__) demo_blueprint = Blueprint("demo", __name__, template_folder='templates') ns_blueprint = Blueprint("ns", __name__) _mimetypes_r = {'json-ld': ['application/ld+json'], 'turtle': ['text/turtle'], 'text': ['text/plain']} MIMETYPES = {} for k, vs in _mimetypes_r.items(): for v in vs: MIMETYPES[v] = k DEFAULT_MIMETYPE = 'application/ld+json' DEFAULT_FORMAT = 'json-ld' def get_params(req): if req.method == 'POST': indict = req.form.to_dict(flat=True) elif req.method == 'GET': indict = req.args.to_dict(flat=True) else: raise Error(message="Invalid data") return indict def encoded_url(url=None, base=None): code = '' if not url: if request.method == 'GET': url = request.full_path[1:] # Remove the first slash else: hash(frozenset(request.form.params().items())) code = 'hash:{}'.format(hash) code = code or base64.urlsafe_b64encode(url.encode()).decode() if base: return base + code return url_for('api.decode', code=code, _external=True) def decoded_url(code, base=None): if code.startswith('hash:'): raise Exception('Can not decode a URL for a POST request') base = base or request.url_root path = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(code.encode()).decode() return base + path @demo_blueprint.route('/') def index(): ev = str(get_params(request).get('evaluation', False)) evaluation_enabled = ev.lower() not in ['false', 'no', 'none'] return render_template("index.html", evaluation=evaluation_enabled, version=__version__) @api_blueprint.route('/contexts/.jsonld') def context(entity="context"): context = Response._context context['@vocab'] = url_for('ns.index', _external=True) context['endpoint'] = url_for('api.api_root', _external=True) return jsonify({"@context": context}) @api_blueprint.route('/d/') def decode(code): try: return redirect(decoded_url(code)) except Exception: return Error('invalid URL').flask() @ns_blueprint.route('/') # noqa: F811 def index(): context = Response._context.copy() context['endpoint'] = url_for('api.api_root', _external=True) return jsonify({"@context": context}) @api_blueprint.route('/schemas/') def schema(schema="definitions"): try: return dump_schema(read_schema(schema)) except Exception as ex: # Should be FileNotFoundError, but it's missing from py2 return Error(message="Schema not found: {}".format(ex), status=404).flask() def basic_api(f): default_params = { 'inHeaders': False, 'expanded-jsonld': False, 'outformat': None, 'with_parameters': True, } @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): raw_params = get_params(request) logger.info('Getting request: {}'.format(raw_params)) headers = {'X-ORIGINAL-PARAMS': json.dumps(raw_params)} params = default_params try: params = api.parse_params(raw_params, api.WEB_PARAMS, api.API_PARAMS) if hasattr(request, 'parameters'): request.parameters.update(params) else: request.parameters = params response = f(*args, **kwargs) except (Exception) as ex: if current_app.debug: raise if not isinstance(ex, Error): msg = "{}:\n\t{}".format(ex, traceback.format_exc()) ex = Error(message=msg, status=500) logger.exception('Error returning analysis result') response = ex response.parameters = raw_params logger.error(ex) if 'parameters' in response and not params['with_parameters']: del response.parameters logger.info('Response: {}'.format(response)) mime = request.accept_mimetypes\ .best_match(MIMETYPES.keys(), DEFAULT_MIMETYPE) mimeformat = MIMETYPES.get(mime, DEFAULT_FORMAT) outformat = params['outformat'] or mimeformat return response.flask( in_headers=params['inHeaders'], headers=headers, prefix=params.get('prefix', encoded_url()), context_uri=url_for('api.context', entity=type(response).__name__, _external=True), outformat=outformat, expanded=params['expanded-jsonld']) return decorated_function @api_blueprint.route('/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @basic_api def api_root(): if request.parameters['help']: dic = dict(api.API_PARAMS, **api.NIF_PARAMS) response = Help(valid_parameters=dic) return response req = api.parse_call(request.parameters) return current_app.senpy.analyse(req) @api_blueprint.route('/evaluate/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @basic_api def evaluate(): if request.parameters['help']: dic = dict(api.EVAL_PARAMS) response = Help(parameters=dic) return response else: params = api.parse_params(request.parameters, api.EVAL_PARAMS) response = current_app.senpy.evaluate(params) return response @api_blueprint.route('/plugins/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @basic_api def plugins(): sp = current_app.senpy params = api.parse_params(request.parameters, api.PLUGINS_PARAMS) ptype = params.get('plugin_type') plugins = list(sp.plugins(plugin_type=ptype)) dic = Plugins(plugins=plugins) return dic @api_blueprint.route('/plugins//', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @basic_api def plugin(plugin=None): sp = current_app.senpy return sp.get_plugin(plugin) @api_blueprint.route('/datasets/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @basic_api def datasets(): sp = current_app.senpy datasets = sp.datasets dic = Datasets(datasets=list(datasets.values())) return dic