commit: git commit -a tag: git tag ${VERSION} git-push:: git push --tags -u origin HEAD git-pull: git pull --all push-github: ## Push the code to github. You need to set up GITHUB_DEPLOY_KEY ifeq ($(GITHUB_DEPLOY_KEY),) else $(eval KEY_FILE := $(shell mktemp)) @echo "$(GITHUB_DEPLOY_KEY)" > $(KEY_FILE) @git remote rm github-deploy || true git remote add github-deploy $(GITHUB_REPO) @GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i $(KEY_FILE)" git fetch github-deploy $(CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME) || true @GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i $(KEY_FILE)" git push github-deploy $(CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME) rm $(KEY_FILE) endif push:: git-push pull:: git-pull .PHONY:: commit tag push git-push git-pull push-github