.. image:: logo.png :height: 6em :align: left ===================================== `Senpy `_ ===================================== .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/gsi-upm/senpy.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/gsi-upm/senpy Sentiment analysis web services using a common interface: NIF+JSON-LD. With Senpy, you can easily turn your sentiment analysis algorithm into a web service, just by creating a new plugin. `DEMO on Heroku `_ TO-DO ----- * Instalation instructions * Improve documentation and generate via Sphinx * ReadTheDocs * Improve README Acknowledgement --------------- EUROSENTIMENT PROJECT Grant Agreement no: 296277 Starting date: 01/09/2012 Project duration: 24 months .. image:: logo_grande.png :target: logo_grande.png :width: 100px :alt: Eurosentiment Logo .. image:: logo_fp7.gif :width: 100px :target: logo_fp7.gif