from future import standard_library standard_library.install_aliases() from future.utils import with_metaclass from functools import partial import os.path import os import re import pickle import logging import copy import pprint import inspect import sys import subprocess import importlib import yaml import threading import nltk from .. import models, utils from .. import api from .. import gsitk_compat logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PluginMeta(models.BaseMeta): _classes = {} def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs): plugin_type = [] if hasattr(bases[0], 'plugin_type'): plugin_type += bases[0].plugin_type plugin_type.append(name) alias = attrs.get('name', name) attrs['plugin_type'] = plugin_type attrs['name'] = alias if 'description' not in attrs: doc = attrs.get('__doc__', None) if doc: attrs['description'] = doc else: logger.warn(('Plugin {} does not have a description. ' 'Please, add a short summary to help other developers').format(name)) cls = super(PluginMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) if alias in mcs._classes: if os.environ.get('SENPY_TESTING', ""): raise Exception(('The type of plugin {} already exists. ' 'Please, choose a different name').format(name)) else: logger.warn('Overloading plugin class: {}'.format(alias)) mcs._classes[alias] = cls return cls @classmethod def for_type(cls, ptype): return cls._classes[ptype] class Plugin(with_metaclass(PluginMeta, models.Plugin)): ''' Base class for all plugins in senpy. A plugin must provide at least these attributes: - version - description (or docstring) - author Additionally, they may provide a URL (url) of a repository or website. ''' def __init__(self, info=None, data_folder=None, **kwargs): """ Provides a canonical name for plugins and serves as base for other kinds of plugins. """ logger.debug("Initialising {}".format(info)) super(Plugin, self).__init__(**kwargs) if info: self.update(info) self.validate() = 'endpoint:plugins/{}_{}'.format(self['name'], self['version']) self.is_activated = False self._lock = threading.Lock() self._directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))) data_folder = data_folder or os.getcwd() subdir = os.path.join(data_folder, self._data_paths = [ data_folder, subdir, self._directory, os.path.join(self._directory, 'data'), ] if os.path.exists(subdir): data_folder = subdir self.data_folder = data_folder self._log = logging.getLogger('{}.{}'.format(__name__, @property def log(self): return self._log def validate(self): missing = [] for x in ['name', 'description', 'version']: if x not in self: missing.append(x) if missing: raise models.Error('Missing configuration parameters: {}'.format(missing)) def get_folder(self): return os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__)) def activate(self): pass def deactivate(self): pass def test(self, test_cases=None): if not test_cases: if not hasattr(self, 'test_cases'): raise AttributeError(('Plugin {} [{}] does not have any defined ' 'test cases').format(, inspect.getfile(self.__class__))) test_cases = self.test_cases for case in test_cases: try: self.test_case(case) self.log.debug('Test case passed:\n{}'.format(pprint.pformat(case))) except Exception as ex: self.log.warn('Test case failed:\n{}'.format(pprint.pformat(case))) raise def test_case(self, case): entry = models.Entry(case['entry']) given_parameters = case.get('params', case.get('parameters', {})) expected = case.get('expected', None) should_fail = case.get('should_fail', False) try: params = api.parse_params(given_parameters, self.extra_params) res = list(self.analyse_entries([entry, ], params)) if not isinstance(expected, list): expected = [expected] utils.check_template(res, expected) for r in res: r.validate() except models.Error: if should_fail: return raise assert not should_fail def find_file(self, fname): for p in self._data_paths: alternative = os.path.join(p, fname) if os.path.exists(alternative): return alternative raise IOError('File does not exist: {}'.format(fname)) def open(self, fpath, mode='r'): if 'w' in mode: # When writing, only use absolute paths or data_folder if not os.path.isabs(fpath): fpath = os.path.join(self.data_folder, fpath) else: fpath = self.find_file(fpath) return open(fpath, mode=mode) def serve(self, debug=True, **kwargs): utils.easy(plugin_list=[self, ], plugin_folder=None, debug=debug, **kwargs) # For backwards compatibility SenpyPlugin = Plugin class Analysis(Plugin): ''' A subclass of Plugin that analyses text and provides an annotation. ''' def analyse(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( 'Your plugin should implement either analyse or analyse_entry') def analyse_entry(self, entry, parameters): """ An implemented plugin should override this method. This base method is here to adapt old style plugins which only implement the *analyse* function. Note that this method may yield an annotated entry or a list of entries (e.g. in a tokenizer) """ text = entry['nif:isString'] params = copy.copy(parameters) params['input'] = text results = self.analyse(**params) for i in results.entries: yield i def analyse_entries(self, entries, parameters): for entry in entries: self.log.debug('Analysing entry with plugin {}: {}'.format(self, entry)) results = self.analyse_entry(entry, parameters) if inspect.isgenerator(results): for result in results: yield result else: yield results def test_case(self, case): if 'entry' not in case and 'input' in case: entry = models.Entry(_auto_id=False) entry.nif__isString = case['input'] case['entry'] = entry super(Analysis, self).test_case(case) AnalysisPlugin = Analysis class Conversion(Plugin): ''' A subclass of Plugins that convert between different annotation models. e.g. a conversion of emotion models, or normalization of sentiment values. ''' pass ConversionPlugin = Conversion class SentimentPlugin(Analysis, models.SentimentPlugin): ''' Sentiment plugins provide sentiment annotation (using Marl) ''' minPolarityValue = 0 maxPolarityValue = 1 def test_case(self, case): if 'polarity' in case: expected = case.get('expected', {}) s = models.Sentiment(_auto_id=False) s.marl__hasPolarity = case['polarity'] if 'sentiments' not in expected: expected['sentiments'] = [] expected['sentiments'].append(s) case['expected'] = expected super(SentimentPlugin, self).test_case(case) class EmotionPlugin(Analysis, models.EmotionPlugin): ''' Emotion plugins provide emotion annotation (using Onyx) ''' minEmotionValue = 0 maxEmotionValue = 1 class EmotionConversion(Conversion): ''' A subclass of Conversion that converts emotion annotations using different models ''' pass EmotionConversionPlugin = EmotionConversion class Box(AnalysisPlugin): ''' Black box plugins delegate analysis to a function. The flow is like so: .. code-block:: entry --> input() --> predict_one() --> output() --> entry' In other words: their ``input`` method convers a query (entry and a set of parameters) into the input to the box method. The ``output`` method convers the results given by the box into an entry that senpy can handle. ''' def input(self, entry, params=None): '''Transforms a query (entry+param) into an input for the black box''' return entry def output(self, output, entry=None, params=None): '''Transforms the results of the black box into an entry''' return output def predict_one(self, input): raise NotImplementedError('You should define the behavior of this plugin') def analyse_entries(self, entries, params): for entry in entries: input = self.input(entry=entry, params=params) results = self.predict_one(input=input) yield self.output(output=results, entry=entry, params=params) def fit(self, X=None, y=None): return self def transform(self, X): return [self.predict_one(x) for x in X] def predict(self, X): return self.transform(X) def fit_transform(self, X, y):, y) return self.transform(X) def as_pipe(self): pipe = gsitk_compat.Pipeline([('plugin', self)]) = return pipe class TextBox(Box): '''A black box plugin that takes only text as input''' def input(self, entry, params): entry = super(TextBox, self).input(entry, params) return entry['nif:isString'] class SentimentBox(TextBox, SentimentPlugin): ''' A box plugin where the output is only a polarity label or a tuple (polarity, polarityValue) ''' def output(self, output, entry, **kwargs): s = models.Sentiment() try: label, value = output except ValueError: label, value = output, None s.prov(self) s.polarity = label if value is not None: s.polarityValue = value entry.sentiments.append(s) return entry class EmotionBox(TextBox, EmotionPlugin): ''' A box plugin where the output is only an a tuple of emotion labels ''' def output(self, output, entry, **kwargs): if not isinstance(output, list): output = [output] s = models.EmotionSet() entry.emotions.append(s) for label in output: e = models.Emotion(onyx__hasEmotionCategory=label) s.append(e) return entry class MappingMixin(object): @property def mappings(self): return self._mappings @mappings.setter def mappings(self, value): self._mappings = value def output(self, output, entry, params): output = self.mappings.get(output, self.mappings.get('default', output)) return super(MappingMixin, self).output(output=output, entry=entry, params=params) class ShelfMixin(object): @property def sh(self): if not hasattr(self, '_sh') or self._sh is None: self._sh = {} if os.path.isfile(self.shelf_file): try: with, 'rb') as p: self._sh = pickle.load(p) except (IndexError, EOFError, pickle.UnpicklingError): self.log.warning('Corrupted shelf file: {}'.format(self.shelf_file)) if not self.get('force_shelf', False): raise return self._sh @sh.deleter def sh(self): if os.path.isfile(self.shelf_file): os.remove(self.shelf_file) del self._sh @sh.setter def sh(self, value): self._sh = value @property def shelf_file(self): if not hasattr(self, '_shelf_file') or not self._shelf_file: self._shelf_file = os.path.join(self.data_folder, + '.p') return self._shelf_file @shelf_file.setter def shelf_file(self, value): self._shelf_file = value def save(self): self.log.debug('Saving pickle') if hasattr(self, '_sh') and self._sh is not None: with, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self._sh, f) def pfilter(plugins, plugin_type=Analysis, **kwargs): """ Filter plugins by different criteria """ if isinstance(plugins, models.Plugins): plugins = plugins.plugins elif isinstance(plugins, dict): plugins = plugins.values() logger.debug('#' * 100) logger.debug('plugin_type {}'.format(plugin_type)) if plugin_type: if isinstance(plugin_type, PluginMeta): plugin_type = plugin_type.__name__ try: plugin_type = plugin_type[0].upper() + plugin_type[1:] pclass = globals()[plugin_type] logger.debug('Class: {}'.format(pclass)) candidates = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, pclass), plugins) except KeyError: raise models.Error('{} is not a valid type'.format(plugin_type)) else: candidates = plugins logger.debug(candidates) def matches(plug): res = all(getattr(plug, k, None) == v for (k, v) in kwargs.items()) logger.debug( "matching {} with {}: {}".format(, kwargs, res)) return res if kwargs: candidates = filter(matches, candidates) return candidates def load_module(name, root=None): if root: sys.path.append(root) tmp = importlib.import_module(name) if root: sys.path.remove(root) return tmp def _log_subprocess_output(process): for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):'%r', line) for line in iter(process.stderr.readline, b''): logger.error('%r', line) def install_deps(*plugins): installed = False nltk_resources = set() for info in plugins: requirements = info.get('requirements', []) if requirements: pip_args = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install'] for req in requirements: pip_args.append(req)'Installing requirements: ' + str(requirements)) process = subprocess.Popen(pip_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) _log_subprocess_output(process) exitcode = process.wait() installed = True if exitcode != 0: raise models.Error("Dependencies not properly installed: {}".format(pip_args)) nltk_resources |= set(info.get('nltk_resources', [])) installed |= return installed is_plugin_file = re.compile(r'.*\.senpy$|senpy_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.py$|' '^(?!test_)[a-zA-Z0-9_]$') def find_plugins(folders): for search_folder in folders: for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(search_folder): # Do not look for plugins in hidden or special folders dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if d[0] not in ['.', '_']] for filename in filter(is_plugin_file.match, filenames): fpath = os.path.join(root, filename) yield fpath def from_path(fpath, install_on_fail=False, **kwargs): logger.debug("Loading plugin from {}".format(fpath)) if fpath.endswith('.py'): # We asume root is the dir of the file, and module is the name of the file root = os.path.dirname(fpath) module = os.path.basename(fpath)[:-3] for instance in _from_module_name(module=module, root=root, **kwargs): yield instance else: info = parse_plugin_info(fpath) yield from_info(info, install_on_fail=install_on_fail, **kwargs) def from_folder(folders, loader=from_path, **kwargs): plugins = [] for fpath in find_plugins(folders): for plugin in loader(fpath, **kwargs): plugins.append(plugin) return plugins def from_info(info, root=None, install_on_fail=True, **kwargs): if any(x not in info for x in ('module',)): raise ValueError('Plugin info is not valid: {}'.format(info)) module = info["module"] if not root and '_path' in info: root = os.path.dirname(info['_path']) fun = partial(one_from_module, module, root=root, info=info, **kwargs) try: return fun() except (ImportError, LookupError): install_deps(info) return fun() def parse_plugin_info(fpath): logger.debug("Parsing plugin info: {}".format(fpath)) with open(fpath, 'r') as f: info = yaml.load(f) info['_path'] = fpath return info def from_module(module, **kwargs): if inspect.ismodule(module): res = _from_loaded_module(module, **kwargs) else: res = _from_module_name(module, **kwargs) for p in res: yield p def one_from_module(module, root, info, **kwargs): if '@type' in info: cls = PluginMeta.from_type(info['@type']) return cls(info=info, **kwargs) instance = next(from_module(module=module, root=root, info=info, **kwargs), None) if not instance: raise Exception("No valid plugin for: {}".format(module)) return instance def _classes_in_module(module): for _, obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if inspect.isclass(obj) and inspect.getmodule(obj) == module: logger.debug(("Found plugin class:" " {}@{}").format(obj, inspect.getmodule(obj))) yield obj def _instances_in_module(module): for _, obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if isinstance(obj, Plugin) and inspect.getmodule(obj) == module: logger.debug(("Found plugin instance:" " {}@{}").format(obj, inspect.getmodule(obj))) yield obj def _from_module_name(module, root, info=None, **kwargs): module = load_module(module, root) for plugin in _from_loaded_module(module=module, root=root, info=info, **kwargs): yield plugin def _from_loaded_module(module, info=None, **kwargs): for cls in _classes_in_module(module): yield cls(info=info, **kwargs) for instance in _instances_in_module(module): yield instance def evaluate(plugins, datasets, **kwargs): ev = gsitk_compat.Eval(tuples=None, datasets=datasets, pipelines=[plugin.as_pipe() for plugin in plugins]) ev.evaluate() results = ev.results evaluations = evaluations_to_JSONLD(results, **kwargs) return evaluations def evaluations_to_JSONLD(results, flatten=False): ''' Map the evaluation results to a JSONLD scheme ''' evaluations = list() metric_names = ['accuracy', 'precision_macro', 'recall_macro', 'f1_macro', 'f1_weighted', 'f1_micro', 'f1_macro'] for index, row in results.iterrows(): evaluation = models.Evaluation() if row.get('CV', True): evaluation['@type'] = ['StaticCV', 'Evaluation'] evaluation.evaluatesOn = row['Dataset'] evaluation.evaluates = row['Model'] i = 0 if flatten: metric = models.Metric() for name in metric_names: metric[name] = row[name] evaluation.metrics.append(metric) else: # We should probably discontinue this representation for name in metric_names: metric = models.Metric() metric['@id'] = 'Metric' + str(i) metric['@type'] = name.capitalize() metric.value = row[name] evaluation.metrics.append(metric) i += 1 evaluations.append(evaluation) return evaluations