Commit Graph

10 Commits (1.0.0)

Author SHA1 Message Date
J. Fernando Sánchez 8a516d927e Multiple changes in the API, schemas and UI
Check out the file for more information
5 years ago
J. Fernando Sánchez a82e4ed440 Fix bug in py3.5 6 years ago
J. Fernando Sánchez 83b23dbdf4 UI improvements
* Add option to add multiple plugins
* Improve UI hints for collapsed parameters
* Refactored plugins without requirements
* Hide evaluation tab for the moment. You can see it by adding "?evaluation" to
  the URL.
6 years ago
J. Fernando Sánchez c0aa7ddc3c Add evaluation tests 6 years ago
J. Fernando Sánchez 92189822d8 Change Box plugin to mimic a sklearn classifier 6 years ago
J. Fernando Sánchez 1087692de2 Add sklearn
* Add sklearn example
* Fix test_case
* Add SenpyClientUse docs

a.k.a. The wise men edition
6 years ago
J. Fernando Sánchez 3e2b8baeb2 Last batch of big changes
* Add Box plugin (i.e. black box)
* Add SentimentBox, EmotionBox and MappingMixin
* Refactored CustomDict
6 years ago
J. Fernando Sánchez 21a5a3f201 Macro commit
* Fixed Options for extra_params in UI
* Enhanced meta-programming for models
* Plugins can be imported from a python file if they're named
`senpy_<whatever>.py>` (no need for `.senpy` anymore!)
* Add docstings and tests to most plugins
* Read plugin description from the docstring
* Refactor code to get rid of unnecessary `.senpy`s
* Load models, plugins and utils into the main namespace (see
* Enhanced plugin development/experience with utils (easy_test, easy_serve)
* Fix bug in check_template that wouldn't check objects
* Make model defaults a private variable
* Add option to list loaded plugins in CLI
* Update docs
6 years ago
J. Fernando Sánchez abd401f863 Enhance plugin metaclass
* Change names of plugins to avoid repetitions (we may have to revert this)
* Make subprocess log private
6 years ago
J. Fernando Sánchez bfc588a915 Several fixes
* Refactored BaseModel for efficiency
* Added plugin metaclass to keep track of plugin types
* Moved plugins to examples dir (in a previous commit)
* Simplified validation in parse_params
* Added convenience methods to mock requests in tests
* Changed help schema to use `.valid_parameters` instead of `.parameters`,
which was used in results to show parameters provided by the user.
* Improved UI
    * Added basic parameters
    * Fixed bugs in parameter handling
    * Refactored and cleaned code
6 years ago