It turns out setting "plugins" as a @list in the context causes the
"plugins" property to expand to its full name.
Removing the type causes a regression of #17, which I initially missed
because the test in #17 was wrong.
* Added interactive debugging
* Better exception logging
* More tests for errors
* Added ONBUILD to dockerfile
Now creating new images based on senpy's is as easy as:
```from senpy:<version>```. This will automatically mount the code to
/senpy-plugins and install all dependencies
* Added /data as a VOLUME
* Added `--use-wheel` to pip install both on the image and in the
auto-install function.
* Closes#9
Break compatibilitity:
* Removed ability to (de)activate plugins through the web
Bug-fixes and improvements:
* Closes#5
* Closes#1
* Adds Client (beta)
* Added several schemas
* Lighter string representation -> should avoid delays in the analysis
with plugins that have 'heavy' attributes
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* Context in headers by default
* All schemas include a "@type" argument that is used for autodetection
in the client
... And possibly many more, this is still <1.0