Update RDFlib to 6.1.1 (removed rdflib-jsonld, as it is deprecated)
Bumped minimum python version: 3.7 (as a result of RDFLIB 6)
Added ProxyFix to run behind nginx (Added --no-proxy to run without the fix)
Replaced http media links to protocol-agnostic links in playground
Enable CORS (via --enable-cors)
Update old urls (replaced *.cluster.gsi.dit.upm.es with *.gsi.upm.es)
* Refactored BaseModel for efficiency
* Added plugin metaclass to keep track of plugin types
* Moved plugins to examples dir (in a previous commit)
* Simplified validation in parse_params
* Added convenience methods to mock requests in tests
* Changed help schema to use `.valid_parameters` instead of `.parameters`,
which was used in results to show parameters provided by the user.
* Improved UI
* Added basic parameters
* Fixed bugs in parameter handling
* Refactored and cleaned code
We've changed the way plugins are activated, and removed the notion of
deactivated plugins.
Now plugins activate asynchronously.
When calling a plugin, it will be activated if it wasn't, and the call will wait
for the plugin to be fully activated.
* Async test (still missing one that includes the IOLoop)
* Async plugin under tests. To manually try async functionalities:
senpy -f tests/
Moved from Yapsy again (it is not flexible enough), now we use a
custom solution.
The activation and deactivation of plugins is asynchronous, so
that plugins that take a long time don't interfere with the rest.