You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
2.3 KiB

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
### Added
* Objects can control the keys that will be used in `serialize`/`jsonld`/`as_dict` by specifying a list of keys in `terse_keys`.
>>> class MyModel(senpy.models.BaseModel):
... _terse_keys = ['visible']
... invisible = 5
... visible = 1
>>> m = MyModel(id='testing')
>>> m.jsonld()
{'invisible': 5, 'visible': 1, '@id': 'testing'}
>>> m.jsonld(verbose=False)
{'visible': 1}
* Configurable logging format.
* Added default terse keys for the most common classes (entry, sentiment, emotion...).
* Flag parameters (boolean) are set to true even when no value is added (e.g. `&verbose` is the same as `&verbose=true`).
* Plugin and parameter descriptions are now formatted with (showdown)[].
* The web UI requests extra_parameters from the server. This is useful for pipelines. See #52
* First batch of semantic tests (using SPARQL)
### Changed
* `install_deps` now checks what requirements are already met before installing with pip.
* Help is now provided verbosely by default
* Other outputs are terse by default. This means some properties are now hidden unless verbose is set.
* `sentiments` and `emotions` are now `marl:hasOpinion` and `onyx:hasEmotionSet`, respectively.
* Nicer logging format
* Context aliases (e.g. `sentiments` and `emotions` properties) have been replaced with the original properties (e.g. `marl:hasOpinion` and `onyx:hasEmotionSet**), to use aliases, pass the `aliases** parameter.
* Several UI improvements
* Dedicated tab to show the list of plugins
* URLs in plugin descriptions are shown as links
* The format of the response is selected by clicking on a tab instead of selecting from a drop-down
* list of examples
* Bootstrap v4
* RandEmotion and RandSentiment are no longer included in the base set of plugins
* The `--plugin-folder` option can be used more than once, and every folder will be added to the app.
### Deprecated
### Removed
* Python 2.7 is no longer test or officially supported
### Fixed
* Plugin descriptions are now dedented when they are extracted from the docstring.
### Security