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88 lines
2.5 KiB

"@context": "",
"@id": "me:Result1",
"@type": "results",
"analysis": [
"@id": "me:SAnalysis1",
"@type": "marl:SentimentAnalysis",
"marl:maxPolarityValue": 1,
"marl:minPolarityValue": 0
"@id": "me:SgAnalysis1",
"@type": "me:SuggestionAnalysis"
"@id": "me:EmotionAnalysis1",
"@type": "me:EmotionAnalysis"
"@id": "me:NER1",
"@type": "me:NER"
"entries": [
"@id": "",
"@type": [
"nif:isString": "Dear Microsoft, put your Windows Phone on your newest #open technology program. You'll be awesome. #opensource",
"entities": [
"@id": ",13",
"nif:beginIndex": 5,
"nif:endIndex": 13,
"nif:anchorOf": "Microsoft",
"me:references": "",
"prov:wasGeneratedBy": "me:NER1"
"@id": ",37",
"nif:beginIndex": 25,
"nif:endIndex": 37,
"nif:anchorOf": "Windows Phone",
"me:references": "",
"prov:wasGeneratedBy": "me:NER1"
"suggestions": [
"@id": ",77",
"nif:beginIndex": 16,
"nif:endIndex": 77,
"nif:anchorOf": "put your Windows Phone on your newest #open technology program"
"sentiments": [
"@id": ",97",
"nif:beginIndex": 80,
"nif:endIndex": 97,
"nif:anchorOf": "You'll be awesome.",
"marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
"marl:polarityValue": 0.9,
"prov:wasGeneratedBy": "me:SAnalysis1"
"emotions": [
"@id": ",109",
"nif:anchorOf": "Dear Microsoft, put your Windows Phone on your newest #open technology program. You'll be awesome. #opensource",
"prov:wasGeneratedBy": "me:EAnalysis1",
"onyx:hasEmotion": [
"onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "wna:liking"
"onyx:hasEmotionCategory": "wna:excitement"