Stupidly simple command line tool to resolve and ping hostnames
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J. Fernando Sánchez de74385715 Version 1.0.1 with server 5 роки тому
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main.go Version 1.0.1 with server 5 роки тому
pingish First commit 6 роки тому

Stupidly simple command line tool to resolve and ping hostnames.

I just use the binary to troubleshoot connectivity issues in scratch/alpine containers that don't have ping/dig/curl/wget. Just copy the binary to the container, and problem solved.

The binary has to be built with CGO_ENABLED=0 to avoid problems with alpine-based images.

Example of use:



You can start a server that will accept requests on /ping?host=<target>, using the --server flag. e.g.

pingish --server


To run it as a normal user in ubuntu, you might need to configure your host first: sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"

And/or set the capabilities of the binary: sudo setcap cap_net_raw=ep pingish