You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Common utilities for all assignments
const _ = require("underscore");
const Utils = {};
const REG_URL = /(\b(http|ftp|https|ftps):\/\/[-A-ZáéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-ZáéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig;
Utils.getURL = (string) => {
const urls = string.match(REG_URL);
let url = null;
if (urls instanceof Array) {
url = urls[0];
return url;
Utils.exists = (thing) => {
return !_.isUndefined(thing) && !_.isNull(thing);
Utils.isString = (thing) => {
return _.isString(thing);
Utils.isObject = (thing) => {
return _.isObject(thing);
Utils.isNumber = (thing) => {
let number = false;
if (Utils.exists(thing)) {
number = typeof parseInt(thing) === "number";
return number
Utils.isArray = (thing) => {
return _.isArray(thing);
Utils.isURL = (thing) => {
if (Utils.isString(thing)) {
return REG_URL.test(thing);
Utils.isRegExp = (thing) => {
return (thing instanceof RegExp);
Utils.isJSON = (thing) => {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}; = (b, a) => {
if (Utils.isRegExp(b)) {
if (Utils.isString(a) && a.length > 0) {
return b.test(a);
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (Utils.isArray(a)) {
let result = false;
for (let item in a) {
if (, a[item])) {
result = true;
return result;
} else {
if (Utils.isString(a.toString())) {
return (a.toLowerCase().indexOf(b.toLowerCase()) > -1);
module.exports = Utils;