# KEEP IT This is a **WORK IN PROGRESS**. `keepit` provides advanced memoization to disk for functions. In other words, it records the results of important functions between executions. `keepit` saves the results of calling a function to disk, so calling the function with the exact same parameters will re-use the stored copy of the results, leading to much faster times. Example usage: ``` import pandas as pd from keepit import keepit @keepit('myresults.tsv') def expensive_function(number=1): df = pd.DataFrame() # Perform a really expensive operation, maybe access to disk? return df # When a results file for the function does not exist # this may take a long time expensive_function(number=1) # Now a myresults.tsv_{some hash) has been generated # This is almost instantaneous: expensive_function(number=1) # Files are specific to each parameter execution, # so this will again take a long time: expensive_function(number=42) # After this, we should have two files, one for number=1, # and another one for number=42. ```