# OAuthenticator Example of running [JupyterHub](https://github.com/jupyter/jupyterhub) with [GitHub OAuth](https://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/) for authentication. ## Variables ### General variables ``` ADMINS=balkian,oaraque OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL=http://hub.cluster.gsi.dit.upm.es/hub/oauth_callback HOST_HOMEDIR=/mnt/home/{username} # {username} will be replaced by the actual OAuth user ``` ## Gitlab variables: ``` GITLAB_HOST=https://lab.cluster.gsi.dit.upm.es/ GITLAB_CLIENT_ID=TheMaxiID GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET=TheMaxiSecret OAUTH_CLASS=oauthenticator.gitlab.GitLabOAuthenticator DATASETS_DIR=/home/datasets # READ ONLY COMMON_DIR=/home/common # To share files between users ``` ## GitHub variables: ``` GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=GHId GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=GHSecret OAUTH_CLASS=oauthenticator.github.GitHubOAuthenticator ``` ## build Build the container with: make build Alternatively: docker build -t gsiupm/jupyter-oauth:testing . ### ssl To run the server on HTTPS, put your ssl key and cert in ssl/ssl.key and ssl/ssl.cert. ## run Add your oauth client id, client secret, and callback URL to your `env file` (i.e. `.env`). Once you have built the container, you can run it with: make run Alternatively: docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --env-file=env gsiupm/jupyter-oauth:testing Which will run the Jupyter server.