import bibtexparser from bibtexparser.customization import * import json with open("resume-nobib.json") as r: resume = json.load(r) with open('ref.bib') as bibtex_file: parser = bibtexparser.bparser.BibTexParser() parser.customization = convert_to_unicode bibtex_str = bib_database = bibtexparser.loads(bibtex_str) pubs = [] for entry in bib_database.entries: pub = {} if "booktitle" in entry: pub["publisher"] = journal(entry["booktitle"]) if "year" in entry: pub["releaseDate"] = entry["year"] if "author" in entry: pub["authors"] = author(entry["author"]) if "abstract" in entry: pub["summary"] = author(entry["abstract"]) pub["name"] = entry["title"].replace("{","").replace("}","") pubs.append(pub) resume["publications"] = pubs with open("resume.json", "w") as out: json.dump(resume, out, indent=2)