{ "basics": { "name": "J. Fernando Sánchez", "label": "Researcher", "picture": "http://jfernando.es/me.jpg", "email": "jfsanchezrada@gmail.com", "phone": "", "website": "http://jfernando.es", "summary": "", "location": { "address": "", "postalCode": "", "city": "Madrid", "countryCode": "ES", "region": "Madrid" }, "profiles": [ { "network": "Twitter", "username": "balkian", "url": "http://twitter.com/balkian" }, { "network": "linkedin", "username": "balkian", "url": "linkedin.com/in/jfsanchezrada" }, { "network": "Github", "username": "balkian", "url": "http://github.com/balkian" } ] }, "work": [ { "company": "GSI UPM", "position": "Researcher - PhD Student", "website": "http://www.gsi.dit.upm.es", "startDate": "2013-01-01", "endDate": null, "summary": "The Ingelligent Systems Group is a research group at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)", "highlights": [ "Semantic Technologies", "Sentiment Analysis", "Ontologies and vocabularies: Marl, Onyx" ] }, { "company": "GSI UPM", "position": "Undergraduate researcher", "website": "http://www.gsi.dit.upm.es", "startDate": "2008-06-01", "endDate": "2012-12-01", "summary": "", "highlights": [ "Web services: Node.js, Python, PHP, JSP/J2EE...", "Semantic technologies: rdflib, easy-rdf, Protegé", "Event middleware and messaging: XMPP, developed Maia" ] } ], "volunteer": [ { "organization": "EESTEC", "position": "Vice-Chairman for External Affairs", "website": "http://eestec.net/", "startDate": "2011-04-01", "endDate": "2012-05-01", "summary": "", "highlights": [ "Established connections with other Student Associations", "Helped found new Observers (Local Groups)", "Carried out International Board duties" ] }, { "organization": "EESTEC", "position": "IT Coordinator", "website": "http://eestec.net", "startDate": "2012-04-01", "endDate": "2013-05-01", "summary": "", "highlights": [ "Coordinated the work of a small international IT Team", "In charge of the administration of the IT infrastructure of EESTEC: Plone portal, Mailman mailing lists, etc." ] }, { "organization": "EESTEC", "position": "Oversight Committee", "website": "http://eestec.net", "startDate": "2012-05-01", "endDate": "2013-05-01", "summary": "", "highlights": [ "Supervised the work of the International Board" ] } ], "education": [ { "institution": "Tecnical University of Madrid (UPM)", "area": "Telecommunications Engineering", "studyType": "Bachelor+Master", "startDate": "2007-10-01", "endDate": "2012-10-01", "gpa": "", "courses": [ "Computer Networks", "Software Engineering", "Web Technologies" ] } ], "awards": [], "publications": [ ], "skills": [ { "keywords": [ "scikit-learn", "nltk", "spark", "pandas", "jupyter", "SQL" ], "level": "master", "name": "Data analysis, machine learning and NLP" }, { "keywords": [ "flask", "django", "web", "CLI" ], "level": "master", "name": "Python development" }, { "keywords": [ "docker", "kubernetes", "ansible" ], "level": "master", "name": "DevOps" }, { "keywords": [ "HTML5", "webcomponents", "CSS", "javascript" ], "level": "advanced", "name": "Front-end development" }, { "keywords": [ "CLI", "web" ], "level": "beginner", "name": "Go development" }, { "keywords": [ "J2EE", "Android" ], "level": "intermediate", "name": "Java development" }, { "keywords": [ "web", "websockets" ], "level": "intermediate", "name": "NodeJS development" } ], "languages": [ { "language": "Spanish", "fluency": "Native speaker" }, { "language": "English", "fluency": "Professional competency" } ], "interests": [], "references": [] }