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-webkit-border-radius n
-moz-border-radius n
border-radius n
// replace str with val
replace(expr, str, val)
expr = clone(expr)
for e, i in expr
if str == e
expr[i] = val
// normalize gradient point (webkit)
if length(pos) == 1
return left pos if pos in (top bottom)
return pos top if pos in (left right)
else if pos[0] in (top bottom)
pos[1] pos[0]
// implicit color stop position
pos-in-stops(i, stops)
len = length(stops)
if len - 1 == i
else if i
unit(i / len * 100, '%')
// normalize color stops
// - (color pos) -> (pos color)
// - (color) -> (implied-pos color)
stops = clone(stops)
for stop, i in stops
if length(stop) == 1
color = stop[0]
stop[0] = pos-in-stops(i, stops)
stop[1] = color
else if typeof(stop[1]) == 'unit'
pos = stop[1]
stop[1] = stop[0]
stop[0] = pos
// join color stops with the given translation function
join-stops(stops, translate)
str = ''
len = length(stops)
for stop, i in stops
str += ', ' if i
pos = stop[0]
color = stop[1]
str += translate(color, pos)
// webkit translation function
webkit-stop(color, pos)
s('color-stop(%d, %s)', pos / 100, color)
// mozilla translation function
moz-stop(color, pos)
s('%s %s', color, pos)
// create a linear gradient with the given start
// position, followed by color stops
linear-gradient(start, stops...)
error('color stops required') unless length(stops)
prop = current-property[0]
val = current-property[1]
stops = normalize-stops(stops)
// webkit
end = grad-point(opposite-position(start))
webkit = s('-webkit-gradient(linear, %s, %s, %s)', grad-point(start), end, join-stops(stops, webkit-stop))
add-property(prop, replace(val, '__CALL__', webkit))
// moz
stops = join-stops(stops, moz-stop)
moz = s('-moz-linear-gradient(%s, %s)', start, stops)
add-property(prop, replace(val, '__CALL__', moz))
// literal
s('linear-gradient(%s, %s)', start, stops)