You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
1.1 KiB

# Imports
sparql = require 'sparql'
Hook = require('').Hook
examplequery = "
SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?abstract ?population
WHERE { ?place rdf:type dbpedia-owl:PopulatedPlace.
?place foaf:name ?label.
?place dbpprop:population ?population.
?place dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract.
FILTER langMatches( lang(?abstract), 'en')
} LIMIT 10"
class SPARQLHook extends Hook
constructor: (options) ->
self = this, options)
@client = new sparql.Client options.url
self.on 'hook::ready', ->
self.on '*::query', (data,fn) ->
@query data , (res) ->
console.log res
fn res
console.log "Created"
query: (query, cb) ->
console.log ">>Going to query"
@client.rows query, (err, res) ->
cb? res
addPrefix: (key,url) ->
@client.prefix_map[key] = url
exports.SPARQLHook = SPARQLHook