You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
3.2 KiB

"@context": "",
"analysis": [
"@id": "es:TripAdvisor",
"@type": [
"marl:maxPolarityValue": 0.0,
"marl:minPolarityValue": 5.0
"entries": [
{% set current = {} %}
{% set number = 0 %}
{% for line in f %}
{% if line[0] != "<" or loop.last %}
{% if "Author" in current %}
"nif:isString": {{ current["Content"] | escapejs}},
"dc:language": "en",
"prov:wasDerivedFrom": {
"@type": "es:TripadvisorComment",
"date": "{{ convertDate(current["Date"], "%b %d, %Y") if "Date" in current}}"{% if "Author" in current %},
"user": {{ current["Author"] | escapejs }}
{% endif %}
"opinions": [
{% if "Overall" in current %}
"@id": "_:Opinion{{ number }}1",
"marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
"marl:polarityValue": {{ current["Overall"] }},
"marl:describesObjectFeature": "Overall"
}, {%endif %}{% if "Value" in current %}
"@id": "_:Opinion{{ number }}2",
"marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
"marl:polarityValue": {{ current["Value"] }},
"marl:describesObjectFeature": "es:Value"
}, {% endif %}{% if "Rooms" in current %}
"@id": "_:Opinion{{ number }}3",
"marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
"marl:polarityValue": {{ current["Rooms"] }},
"marl:describesObjectPart": "es:Rooms"
}, {% endif %}{% if "Location" in current %}
"@id": "_:Opinion{{ number }}4",
"marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
"marl:polarityValue": {{ current["Location"] }},
"marl:describesObjectFeature": "es:Location"
}, {% endif %}{% if "Cleanliness" in current %}
"@id": "_:Opinion{{ number }}5",
"marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
"marl:polarityValue": {{ current["Cleanliness"] }},
"marl:describesObjectFeature": "es:Cleanliness"
}, {% endif %}{% if "Check in / front desk" in current %}
"@id": "_:Opinion{{ number }}6",
"marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
"marl:polarityValue": {{ current["Check in / front desk"] }},
"marl:describesObjectPart": "es:Check_In"
}, {% endif %}{% if "Service" in current %}
"@id": "_:Opinion{{ number }}7",
"marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
"marl:polarityValue": {{ current["Service"] }},
"marl:describesObjectFeature": "es:Service"
}, {% endif %}{% if "Business service" in current %} {
"@id": "_:Opinion{{ number }}8",
"marl:hasPolarity": "marl:Positive",
"marl:polarityValue": {{ current["Business service"] }},
"marl:describesObjectPart": "es:Business_Service"
}{% endif %}
} {{ "," if not loop.last }}
{% endif %}
{% set current = {} %}
{% set number = number+1 %}
{% else %}
{% set attr,value = line[1:].strip().split(">", 1) %}
{% do current.update({attr: value}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}