You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines
2.6 KiB

9 years ago
{% set f = open_file() %}
{% set prefixes = {
"a": "",
"marl": "",
"prov": "",
"onyx": "",
"pt": "",
"nif": "",
"dc": ""
{% macro p(pref, value='') -%}
<{{ prefixes[pref] }}{{ value }}>
{%- endmacro %}
{% if not baseuri %}
{% set baseuri = "" %}
{% endif %}
{% set analysis = "<%sMachineAnnotated>" % baseuri %}
{{ analysis }} {{ p("a") }} {{ p("marl", "SentimentAnalysis") }} .
{{ analysis }} {{ p("dc", "language") }} {{ p("marl", "SentimentAnalysis") }} .
{{ analysis }} {{ p("marl", "maxPolarityValue") }} "1.0" .
{{ analysis }} {{ p("marl", "minPolarityValue") }} "0.0" .
{{ analysis }} {{ p("prov", "wasAssociatedWith") }} {{ p("pt", "agent") }} .
{% if language %}
{{ analysis }} {{ p("dc", "language") }} "{{ language }}" .
{% endif %}
{% for line in f %}
{% set i=linesplit(line, "\t") %}
{% set text = i[0] %}
{% set syntax=linesplit(i[1][1:-1], ",") %}
{% set pol= i[2] | float %}
{% set entry = "<%sContext%s>" % (baseuri, loop.index) %}
{% set opinion = "<%sOpinion%s>" % (baseuri, loop.index) %}
{{ entry }} {{ p("a") }} {{ p("nif", "Context") }} .
{{ entry }} {{ p("a") }} {{ p("nif", "RFC5147String") }} .
{{ entry }} {{ p("marl", "hasOpinion") }} {{ opinion }} .
{{ entry }} {{ p("nif", "isString") }} {{ text | escapejs }} .
{{ opinion }} {{ p("a") }} {{ p("marl", "Opinion") }} .
{{ opinion }} {{ p("prov", "wasGeneratedBy") }} {{ analysis }} .
{% if pol%}
{{ opinion }} {{ p("marl", "polarityValue") }} "{{ pol/10.0 }}" .
{% if pol > 5 %}
{{ opinion }} {{ p("marl", "hasPolarity") }} {{ p("marl", "Positive") }} .
{% elif pol < 5 %}
{{ opinion }} {{ p("marl", "hasPolarity") }} {{ p("marl", "Negative") }} .
{% else %}
{{ opinion }} {{ p("marl", "hasPolarity") }} {{ p("marl", "Neutral") }} .
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set outer = loop %}
{% for s in syntax %}
{% set parts=linesplit(s, ";;") %}
{% set string = "<%sString%s_%s>" % (baseuri, outer.index, loop.index) %}
{{ string }} {{ p("a") }} {{ p("nif", "RFC5147String") }} .
{{ string }} {{ p("nif", "hasContext") }} {{ entry }} .
{{ string }} {{ p("nif", "anchorOf") }} {{ parts[0] | escapejs }} .
{{ string }} {{ p("nif", "posTag") }} {{ parts[1] | escapejs }} .
{{ string }} {{ p("nif", "lemma") }} {{ parts[2] | escapejs }} .
{% endfor %}
{% endfor%}