#!/bin/bash # Script to copy/link Cuevana files to your home directory or play them with your default video player. # Tested only with one cuevana instance at a time. # The video can be played, but it's deleted when the flash player is closed (unless you copied it). # @author: balkian if [ -z "$1" ]; then PLAYER=parole; else PLAYER=$1; fi destfile="$HOME/VideoCuevana$$" # PID1=$(pgrep -f flash) # info=($(lsof -p $PID1 | grep -i /tmp/flash | awk '{print $2; print $9}')) # dir="/proc/${info[0]}/fd" # file=${info[1]} # #echo "pid" $pid # #echo "file" $file # fdn=$(ls -l $dir | grep $file | awk '{print $9}') files=$(sudo lsof 2>/dev/null | grep "Pepper Data" | awk '{gsub(/[a-z]/,"",$4);print "/proc/"$2"/fd/"$4}' | uniq -u) echo "Files:" $files for file in $files; do sel=$(zenity --list --radiolist --text "Select action for: $file" --column "pick" --column "Option" TRUE "play" FALSE "copy" FALSE "link") case $sel in play) sudo $PLAYER $file ;; link) ln -s $file $destfile && echo "Video linked successfully to $destfile." && echo "Enjoy" ;; copy) cp $file $destfile && echo "Video copied successfully to $destfile." && echo "Enjoy" ;; esac done;