Colin Jones 78c5704f34 Rename to use underscores instead of dashes
Works fine either way - this is just since underscores are required
in filenames for real projects, so it's something good for folks to
get used to.
2012-06-08 15:22:42 -05:00

30 lines
669 B

(defn multiply-by-ten [n]
(* 10 n))
(defn square [n] (* n n))
"Functions are often defined before they are used"
(= __ (multiply-by-ten 2))
"But they can also be defined inline"
(= __ ((fn [n] (* __ n)) 2))
"Or using even shorter syntax"
(= __ (#(* 15 %) __))
"Short anonymous functions may take multiple arguments"
(= __ (#(+ %1 %2 %3) 4 5 6))
"One function can beget another"
(= __ ((fn []
((fn [a b] (__ a b))
4 5))))
"Higher-order functions take function arguments"
(= 25 (___
(fn [n] (* n n))))
"But they are often better written using the names of functions"
(= 25 (___ square)))