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37 lines
976 B

(ns koans.12-sequence-comprehensions
(:require [koan-engine.core :refer :all]))
"Sequence comprehensions can bind each element in turn to a symbol"
(= __
(for [x (range 6)]
"They can easily emulate mapping"
(= '(0 1 4 9 16 25)
(map (fn [x] (* x x))
(range 6))
(for [x (range 6)]
"And also filtering"
(= '(1 3 5 7 9)
(filter odd? (range 10))
(for [x __ :when (odd? x)]
"Combinations of these transformations is trivial"
(= '(1 9 25 49 81)
(map (fn [x] (* x x))
(filter odd? (range 10)))
(for [x (range 10) :when __]
"More complex transformations simply take multiple binding forms"
(= [[:top :left] [:top :middle] [:top :right]
[:middle :left] [:middle :middle] [:middle :right]
[:bottom :left] [:bottom :middle] [:bottom :right]]
(for [row [:top :middle :bottom]
column [:left :middle :right]]