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(ns koans.04-vectors
(:require [koan-engine.core :refer :all]))
"You can use vectors in clojure as array-like structures"
(= 1 (count [42]))
"You can create a vector from a list"
(= [1] (vec '(1)))
"Or from some elements"
(= [nil nil] (vector nil nil))
"But you can populate it with any number of elements at once"
(= [1 2] (vec '(1 2)))
"Conjoining to a vector is different than to a list"
(= [111 222 333] (conj [111 222] 333))
"You can get the first element of a vector like so"
(= :peanut (first [:peanut :butter :and :jelly]))
"And the last in a similar fashion"
(= :jelly (last [:peanut :butter :and :jelly]))
"Or any index if you wish"
(= :jelly (nth [:peanut :butter :and :jelly] 3))
"You can also slice a vector"
(= [:butter :and] (subvec [:peanut :butter :and :jelly] 1 3))
"Equality with collections is in terms of values"
(= (list 1 2 3) (vector 1 2 3)))