Works fine either way - this is just since underscores are required in filenames for real projects, so it's something good for folks to get used to.
31 lines
725 B
31 lines
725 B
(def atomic-clock (atom 0))
"Atoms are like refs"
(= __ @atomic-clock)
"You can change at the swap meet"
(= __ (do
(swap! atomic-clock inc)
"Keep taxes out of this: swapping requires no transaction"
(= 5 (do
"Any number of arguments might happen during a swap"
(= __ (do
(swap! atomic-clock + 1 2 3 4 5)
"Atomic atoms are atomic"
(= __ (do
(compare-and-set! atomic-clock 100 :fin)
"When your expectations are aligned with reality things, proceed that way"
(= :fin (do
(compare-and-set! __ __ __)